Chapter 28: Sports Festival, Conclusion

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"You sure she's going to be okay?" A familiar voice asked as Kula started to wake up. She blinked open her eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"She'll be perfectly fine. It seems that she was fatigued after the first few battles she had participated in and hadn't rested enough between them. That last fight with Bakugo seemed to of put her over the edge. Not to mention my recovery quirk drained some of her energy." Recovery Girl responded, "Your daughter will wake up before the end of the day."

A sense of dread filled Kula— she didn't know they were here watching the Festival in person. She glanced over at them

"That's a relief." Mr. Saito sighed.

"Yes. It's nice to know that Miss Saito has such caring parents."

"Of course. She is our only child, and we've already lost her once." Mrs. Saito stated, her voice a sickly sweet.

Kula wanted to scream, she wanted to get up and punch her parents in their dirty, lying faces. She wanted to expose the truth to everyone, she had her chance, Recovery Girl would see it all. But, she couldn't move. She couldn't talk. Her limbs felt like they were filled with rocks, and it felt like her mouth wasn't taking command from her brain. Before she was forced back into unconsciousness, she spotted some shining gold held tightly in Mrs. Saito's palm. Glancing at her hands, she saw that her hands were ungloved, and her palms were facing upwards, to her fingertips didn't make contact with anything in the room. While she was out. Too tired to panic, Kula slowly started to slip into unconsciousness.


Kula had woken up not too long before the awards ceremony, finally able to move her body. She wasn't necessarily well rested, but then again, she never had been well rested. After getting a new pair of gloves from her bag, she started to walk along the hallways, only stopping when someone shouted out to her.

"K!" Mika shouted, running up to Kula with a wide smile on her face. "Glad to see you up and walking! I tried to see you earlier but Recovery Girl told me you needed time to rest."

"Yeah. That hedgehog really put up a fight, I can't believe I survived as long as I did. Oh, sorry I missed your battle against Todoroki."

Mika shrugged, "It's all good. You missed mass getting beat." She shrugged. "Luckily he only used his ice during this match— guess I'm not as special to him as that Midoriya boy is."

"But, hey. You still got third place."

Mika stared at her, "You're saying that like you didn't get it either."

"What do you mean?"

"With the way the finals were this year, there were four people in the semi-finals, which means only two people got to continue on for first and second place and the two who lost in the Semis both get third place since there's no way to determine only one person to get it without an extra match."

The dread she had been feeling from her parents earlier eased slightly. She had won something as big as third place in the U.A Sports Festival, and the other person to win that place just so happened to be one of her best friends.

"Well, what are we waiting for, the Awards Ceremony is starting soon!"


"The first year Students have completed all the events for the U.A Sports Festival!" Midnight announced from above kula. She and Mika were standing on a podium that was going to rise up into the field— something about being dramatic— if anything, the way Bakugo was chained up and muffled was dramatic enough. "Now it's time to relax and enjoy the awards Ceremony."

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