Chapter 41: Study groups and old "Friends"

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Hey Sinners! I messed up a bit with the publishing, so, this is chapter 41, and not chapter 40! To have things make more sense and have more continuity, please read the chapter before this (if you haven't already) , which is actually chapter 40!
Thank you!


"This is going to be so fun!" Kishi squealed as he walked into a small cafe, Mika and Kula following close behind.

"We're here to study, Ki. There's nothing fun about studying." Mika muttered.

Kishi turned and looked at her, "that's only because you don't work to make it fun! Besides, we'll be studying together! Any time with friends is a fun time, right Kula?"

Kula looked at him and shrugged, "I guess so."

"See, even Kula agrees! Now, Come on, we've got some studying to do!" Kishi proclaimed.

After the trio sat down and ordered what they wanted from a server, they spread out their books. Each of them found out they were better at different subjects— Kishi was better with Classical Japanese, Mika was better with History, and Kula was better with English Language and Translation. The three of them were each good with mathematics and Science but couldn't hurt to go over them before the finals.

They had gotten through at least an hour of studying when Kula looked up and accidentally made eye contact with a familiar pair of eyes that filled her with dread. The pair of eyes widened and Kula felt dread fill her heart as the girl walked over to her. Kula just looked away and looked towards Mika and Kishi.

"Oh. My. God!" She squealed. "Ku is that you?"

"Ku? You know this girl?" Mika asked, looking at Kula curiously.

"No." Kula said coldly, and Mika and Kishi glanced at each other before looking back at Kula, then towards the newcomer.

"Aw, come on, don't be like that! We used to be best friends! Well, until you ran away that is. You left me all alone, I had no one."

Kula didn't even spare the girl a glance, and instead looked down at her study guide "Can you leave, miss? We're all trying to study for upcoming exams."

"Miss? Aw, did you forget my name?"

"Hey, you heard her, leave." Mika said, and Kula looked up to see the blonde glaring at the newcomer, her eyes as cold as Todoroki's ice. Beside her, Kishi was looking at the newcomer with a neutral expression, which was weird to see for Kula— the only time he looked like that was when he was starting a green peppers, which he hated.

"Leave? I just want to have a friendly chat with an old friend." She waved her hand dismissively and turned her full attention to Kula. "I see you're still alive, and doing well— you know, we should pick up where we left off the last time we saw each other all those years ago!" She reached into her purse, seeming to be looking for something.

"Where we left off?" Kula seethed, her blood starting to boil. She stood up and turned to face the newcomer. "Where we left off, Tai, you told me you only became friends with me because of my quirk. I might not be the expert of friendships, but I know that being friends with others for personal gain is toxic as fuck."

"For my own personal gain? Ku, why would you ever think I would do such a thing?" Tai asked, fluttering her eyelashes and pretending to be innocent.

"Oh really? Do the words '"Fine. Be friendless. It's not like I actually liked your rude ass personality. I only became friends with you because of your Quirk.' You don't easily forget stuff like that."

Tai blinked, and took a nervous step back. "Y-You know I was only kidding when I said that, r-right?"

"I think you should leave. Now. Unless you want an actual friend of K's to deal with you." Mika said, getting up and standing beside Kula.

"Yeah, make that two friends!" Kishi said, jumping up and standing on the other side of Kula, acting tough.

Kula glanced at the two people standing besides her before she looked back at Tai. "Unless you want them to make a scene, you should leave us be and let us study. You might be able to get through life by using people, but I've managed to keep my dignity despite everything I've been through."

Tai looked at Kula, then her gaze darted to Mika and Kishi beside her. Her nervous expression quickly changed into a scoff and she crossed her arms. "I guess you haven't changed. You'll always be an asshole."

Kula couldn't help but start laughing. "Me? An asshole? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Look, I might be an asshole sometimes, but at least I acknowledge it. You haven't changed one bit."

Tai tensed up, her shoulders raised and her hand balled into fists.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Mika asked.

"Fine. Whatever. Enjoy your sorry ass excuse of a life." Tai said, flipping Kula off and walking away.

"What a jerk." Kishi said, puffing up his cheeks. He moved and stood in front of Kula, looking her in the eyes. "Don't worry Kula! If she ever comes around I'll make sure that she regrets it!"

Kula chuckled, "Thanks Kishi. I appreciate it." She jumped slightly at the hand on her shoulder and she looked over to see Mika looking at her with a smile.

"We got your back, K. Don't forget."

Kula nodded then looked at her friends with a smile, "Alright. Enough talking, we have some finals to study for."


Later that night, Kula returned to Aizawa's apartment and headed to straight to her room. Aizawa was most likely at U.A or starting his usual nightly patrol. After hearing stories about her guardian, she felt that he actually got more sleep than her.

Walking into her room, she dropped her school bag down and took a deep breath. After the events earlier today, she needed to relax by herself. Walking up to a small handheld radio that was on her desk, she turned it on and felt her shoulders sag as Present mic's voice filled her room. She flopped down at her desk and opened her idea notebook and flipped through the pages, the sound of Present Mic's voice drowning out into the background.


Around 3 am, the front door opened and closed and a half dead looking Aizawa stepped inside. He yawned stated walking to his room to start getting some homework assignments graded. Just the thought of looking over one of Kaminari's assignments made him question his decision to become a teacher.

As he walked along the hall, he noticed that Kula's door was open and he peeked inside, seeing that she had fallen asleep at the desk in her room. He stood still for a second, remembering the day she came to U.A bloody and bruised. Seeing her in such a state made him think back to his own childhood, which he preferred to leave it in the past.

In a way, he blamed himself for what she had gone through, he had noticed her discomfort when she was reunited with her parents, her reluctance to leave the station, the way she subconsciously tugged at her gloves to make sure they were on, the way she flinched every time someone so much as brushed against her. Yet he didn't do anything about it. He had made an opinion about her and was thinking too irrationally to see all the red flags.

He walked into her room and grabbed a blanket off her bed, draping it over the teen. He turned off the radio and turned to walk out of the room. Watching over her was not only because he wanted to prevent villains from getting a hold of her again, it was to somehow make up for what she must of gone through growing up, all because she was born with an unfortunate quirk. He walked out of the room and looked over his shoulder.

"Sleep well."

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