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*blood warning ⚠️

Whatever it was, it's not there anymore. You looked down and just saw footprints.

"Was an animal here or something?" you muttered to yourself.

You closed the window and walked back to your kitchen.

As you were washing the dishes, Yeontan goes back to your room and falls asleep. After a bit, you decide to finally sleep at 2:34 a.m.

Skip time~

After waking up to get ready for school, you put on a gray cropped hoodie and some black jean shorts.

You put on your backpack and looked at Yeontan contemplating whether or not you should bring him to school with you.

Why not? you thought and scooped him up in your arms.

Since he was a tiny dog, you were able to fit him in your gym bag, with the zipper not closed completely so he can breathe.

You also put in a little bit of dog food in case he gets hungry.

You stood at your front door waiting for the school bus to arrive.

Seeing as it was not arriving, you checked your watch to see that it should've arrived 3 minutes ago.

You shrugged and walked to school.

You were at the entrance of the school, about to step inside, when you heard a noise from behind you.

A horrendous stench, smelling of some sort of rotting flesh, and ghastly noises coming from behind you, you didn't turn around.

You froze, unsure of what to do.

Slowly you turned around to see a sight of horror.

Your teacher was on the ground, bloody, a deep gash in the side of her head.

A human-like creature slowly turned around to face you.

It was.. Jackson?

The student from your 4th period English class looked more dead than ever, his body tinted a pale green, hair disheveled, and clothes torn.

His eyes, growling red were stuck on you. As he began to run towards you, an arm from behind grabbed you and pulled you inside, slamming the door shut right before the monster could attack you.

Panting heavily, a loud crash was heard against the door. Jackson was pounding on it, trying to get in.

The man who grabbed you inside wore a black mask around his face, a leather jacket, and weapons at his sides. He barricaded the door before turning to look at you.

"Are you okay?" he spoke with a soothing, husky voice

You just stared blankly at him. Afraid if reality is even real anymore when you just saw a zombie feasting on your teacher's brain.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" he says pulling his mask down for you to hear him more clearly.

You immediately recognized him and your eyes widened.


"Yes yes, the one and only." he said smugly.

You rolled your eyes. "What's going on? Why is there a zombie in the front of the school?!" you exclaimed remembering what had just happened.

"How am I supposed to know? I came to school seeing dead people everywhere, and zombies wandering outside the school!" he said, traumatized.

"How do you there isn't anymore in here?" you said, lowly.

"I'm not sure, but so far I've seen nobody anywhere." he brushed his hand through his hair, stressed.

"So you've been here by yourself since then?" you said, feeling bad for him.

"Yeah, I tried contacting everyone I knew, but nobody is responding."

"What do we do now?"

"I don't know, but we can't just stay here. There's some stuff in the storage room you can use to defend yourself with." he said pointing to a closet towards your right.

"Okay." you grabbed a bat and took your gym bag.

"What's in the bag?" he asked.

"Um.. nothing." you lied badly.

"Then why are you bringing it?"

"In case we find anything useful on the way?" you smiled nervously at him.

Luckily, he believed your lie and began taking down the barricades. You helped and you both walked out, carefully watching your surroundings.

The Jackson zombie guy was gone, but so was the teachers body. Do zombies eat bones too?

Suddenly you heard a low moan of pain and grunting from behind you. You both turned around to see your teacher, without an arm, skin tinted green walking towards you quickly. You screamed and panicked, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, Jungkook hit her with a bat aggressively, knocking her down and ending her for good.

He grabbed your arm and began to run.

"Run idiot!"

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