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*blood warning 🧨

Another hour passed, and Jungkook still watched you both like a hawk.

He sipped on his tea loudly, checking his watch at the same time.

"11:42" it read.

"Great, 2 more hours till I'm out of this hellhole.." Jungkook mumbled to himself.

Yeontan woke up by then from his nap and was hungry. The small dog ran to the bag of dog food, and dug in.

Jungkook walked over to you two, who were sitting pretty closely. He stuck himself directly between the two of you, earning a glare from you.

He opened his mouth, ready to speak, when a loud pound was heard at the door.

Jimin was just about ready to hide under the table, since he was small enough anyways.

You stared at the door in fear, unaware of what to do or how to react.

Your eyes wavered over to Jungkook, who was slowly grabbing a bat that was conveniently placed near his leg.

Jimin realized the situation and grabbed the nearest object.

A lamp shade.

Jungkook slowly walked towards the door, motioning for you to stay low and for Jimin to stay close behind him.

Jungkook kept the barricade up, trying to quickly secure it more. Jimin stared through the peephole, immediately his face went white.

"A-are those.. zombies?" Jimin asked, feeling dizzy and slowly walking backwards.

"Be careful guys.." you said quietly to them.

As if it was in slow motion, the world around slowed down.

The door crashed down, the undead creatures lunging through the opening.

Jungkook managed to swiftly dodge one and knock it down, saving himself.

But nor Jimin or Jungkook would be able to deal with the horde of zombies rushing in.

One by one they were knocked down, thrown around, and killed for good.

You jumped out from your hiding spot, earning a "Y/N NO!" from both Jungkook and Jimin.

You knocked down the group coming towards you. One of the zombies scratched your arm, causing it to bleed profusely.

You screamed in agony, causing both of the boys to look at you.

Jungkook ran towards you, but Jimin came quicker.

Jungkook bit his lip and turned away to deal with a few more as Jimin held your arm.

What neither of you noticed was the zombie coming straight for you, both of you too busy dealing with your injury.

Jungkook turned to check on you, and instead saw a zombie rushing straight towards you.

"Y/N!" he screamed.

Jimin, now aware of the creature, pushed you aside and was immediately pinned down by the zombie.

Jungkook rushed over to you, holding you tightly, preventing you from running towards the poor boy on the ground.

"JIMIN!" you screamed, your heart aching.

You barely knew him, but he was still human, and he was your friend.

You watched in horror as the zombie tore into Jimin's skin, making his flailing arms fall to his sides.

He took his final breath as he stared at you and Jungkook.

"Get home safe.." he said before his eyes shut.

Jungkook let go of you to deal with the horrid creature while you immediately ran to Jimin.

You couldn't believe it.

He died.

Right in front of you.

And you couldn't even do anything.

Jungkook's eyes were teary, but he stayed strong, despite how much it hurt to see you crying.

Jungkook slowly picked up Jimin's lifeless body and walked outside. You followed him, while saying "He's still alive! We just need to try harder to wake him up!"

Jungkook slowly placed Jimin on a small patch of flowers.

He shut his eyes as he walked away, you following him while covering your mouth.

All of that happened in the span of 10 minutes, just 10 minutes.

When you got inside, you immediately sat on the couch curled up, and just cried.

Jungkook came and saw you, sitting on the couch crying silently.

He sat down next to you, with his arms open.

"Want a hug?" he said, voice slightly cracking.

You slowly nodded your head and engulfed yourself in his arms, hugging him tightly.

Your tears wet his shirt, but he didn't mind, he just stroked your hair and did his best to soothe you.

Almost whispering, he began to sing softly to you.

"Pictures I'm living through for now,

trying to remember all the good times

our life was cutting through so loud

memories are playing in my dull mind

I hate this part, paper hearts..."

His soft voice lulled you to sleep, your breathing normalizing.

He pulled away to stare at your sleeping form, smiling unconsciously.

"You're so beautiful.." he whispered.

"I-I think I love you.." he said with a soft, quiet voice.

Your eyes opened halfway, your mouth open in shock.

"It's o-okay if you don't feel t-the same way-"

You cut him off by planting a soft kiss on his lips.

He was in shock at first but began to mimic the movement of your lips, your heartbeat beating to the rhythm of his heart.

You both smiled into the kiss, all your guys's worries slowly fading away.

You pulled away, your eyes opened to look at his reaction.

He was giving you the most genuine and love struck smile to you.

You smiled back the same way.

"I think I love you too."

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