Chapter Fifteen

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I sit in my lessons the next day, dazed. Like I'm walking through fog and I can't break out. It's keeping me from focusing. No matter how many times I blink, all the words just roll over my head. "What do you think? What could've prevented the genocide?"

I blink at my tutor, running my hands over my face. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I've been foggy."

The woman rolls her eyes. "I suppose it's to be expected." My cheeks burn hot. "We'll try again tomorrow."

I leave, returning to the room and sitting down on the bed. I pull a book off the nightstand. It's a good one--the palace library was filled to the brim with all sorts of books. It's a nail biting thriller and I'd been unable to put it down. I kick off my shoes and roll into bed, engrossing myself in the pages.

"Silent today, aren't we?"

I jolt up. Jonah sits in bed beside me, tie undone. "I'm just reading something."

He leans over. "Can I see?" His scent floats to my nose as he comes close. I almost lean it. "Is this a murder mystery."

"A fantastical thriller." I say, taking it back from him. He kicks off his shoes and leans back in bed, eyes closed. Stiffly, I open the book back up and pick up where I left off.

"Let's go on a hike tomorrow."

"Sure," I murmur, reading deeply. It's getting good. I flip the page before going back. I was reading so fast, I missed a clue.

"I said, let's go on a hike tomorrow." He reaches for my book and presses it to the bed.

I bookmark my page and lay it down. "Aren't you busy?"

"I need a vacation. I'm sure you do to."

"I'm pretty good."

"There's a cabin in the mountains nearby. I'll have it stocked then we can go tomorrow."

"On foot?"

"We're werewolves, if we run we won't tire."

I clench my jaw. He looks at me. "You still can't shift."

I run my tongue over my teeth. "I wouldn't say that. I just haven't done so in some time. I'm sure I could with some time."

"Liar, you've only shifted a couple times in your life." He sighs. "Are you still shifting with the moon?"


He shakes his head before lying back down.

I never liked hiking. I was never a forest person and the last time I went camping, that's where I went of wolfsbane the first time. It wasn't a good memory for me to say the least. But the next morning, we set off, unshifted and on foot, our major bags already on their way up by car. I wish I could've been in that car too.

After an hour, I'm hot, sticky and tired. The air is stiff and heavy to breathe in. It's one of the first warm days of spring and it's very, very warm. I lean on a tree. "God, I hate this."

"We're not going to make it there by nightfall with this time."

"This was your idea."

He grits his teeth before cracking his knuckles A vein strains in his neck. There's cracking, breaking, a visible look of ignored pain crossing his face. He sprouts fur, claws before shrinking. Still, his wolf is tall, easily three feet, maybe more. I step back as eerily human eyes glint.

My mind can still barely process it. This wolf is Jonah. I have one too. I prefer not to think about it too hard. He comes closer. I bend at his snapping. "What do you want?"

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