Chapter 5: Detention

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"I'm bored as fuck," I say aloud into the silent room. It's only me, Aaron, and the other two dickheads in here, and the monitor left a while ago and hasn't come back yet. "I'm going to die of fucking boredom and then I'm going to come back and haunt three of you assholes."

"Hey," Aaron protests. "I'm not the one that cheated on you."

"But you're friends with Asshole #1"—I point to Adrian—"and Asshole #2"—I point to Cole—"and that makes you an asshole by association."

Everyone falls quiet.

"I'm bored as fuck," I groan.

"It's only been fifteen minutes," Asshole #1 says. "Have some patie—"

"It's only been fifteen minutes?" I ask. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. It has to have been at least an hour already."

All three boys shake their heads and I groan.

I fold my arms on the desk and lay my head on them, coincidentally giving me a direct view of Aaron's face.

I find myself staring at Aaron, studying his features.

As much as I hate to admit it, he's really hot and is exactly my type, cockiness and all.

I look at his green eyes, which are staring intently at his phone screen, at his black hair, some strands falling forward over his forehead, at his nose and his lips, and at the spot where the dimple on his right cheek would be if he were smiling.

I have a thing for dimples; they're honestly my weakness.

Suddenly Aaron's dimple shows up and I smile. And then I freeze.

If the dimple is there, that means that he's smiling, which means...


My eyes shoot up to his, the smile gone from my face.

"I know I'm hot, Cassie," he says, his smile replaced with a smirk. "But you don't have to stare."

"I wasn't staring," I mumble as I sit up.

"Yes she was," Assholes #1 and #2 say together.

"The both of you can fuck off," I growl at—

Okay, Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 is too long. I need to come up with a nickname for the both of them, one that preferably mocks them and all their 'coolness'. I refuse to call them by their first names.

"What's your full name?"

"Adrian William Hart."

I tilt my head to the side and think.

William. Willy. Ha, Free Willy. Free Willy. Frilly.

"Hey," I say, trying to catch his attention.

He looks up.

"Guess what?"


"Your new name is Frilly."

Adrian looks shocked. "What?" he asks. "No. No, no, no, no. Not that. Anything but that."

I smirk at him and shake my head. "Nope, that's your new name for as long as I remember to call you that."

In truth, it'll probably be within a month or two; I'm not the best at holding grudges.

The only way I won't forgive you is if you did something really bad, and even though Adrian and Cole did hurt me really bad by cheating, I didn't really like them anyways. Gracie and Gabs convinced me to go out with them because they were, and I quote, "super-duper freaking sex gods that are hotter than the sun", so...

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