Chapter 23: Got The Job

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Waking up to the sun shining on my eyes is not something I usually enjoy. Ever.

But now, waking up pressed against Aaron's chest, his arms wrapped around me and his smell filling up my nose, it's not entirely terrible.

I lift my head from where it was resting on Aaron, and blink slowly, trying to wake myself up.

It doesn't completely work, and I yawn, which causes Aaron to wake up and squint sleepily at me. He looks at my clock on my nightstand, and his eyes widen before his head turns back to mine, a sleepy smile gracing his lips. "I guess we're not going to school today, huh?"

"What?" My head snaps to the right to look at my clock and my own eyes widen. The clock says it's eight-twenty-seven, which means that I am an hour and twelve minutes late for school. I'm supposed to be in second period right now, which means that I completely skipped first period.

Which is not good, for obvious reasons.

I groan and drop my forehead back on Aaron, closing my eyes.

I feel his chest rumble underneath me, and the idea to hit him hard enough to leave a bruise crosses my mind, but I quickly forget about it when Aaron flips us over so he's hovering on top of me, supporting his weight on his hands that are resting by my head.

He smirks down at me, a suggestive twinkle in his eyes. "What do you say we don't go at all today some things together instead?"

I nearly choke on air, my eyes wide, his words rendering me speechless because, yes, I totally want to do some things together with him. "You can't just say things like that," I manage to get out, my face still one of shock.

His smirk widens, and he drops from his hands to his forearms, bringing himself closer to me in the process. "You know you want to."

"I don't," I automatically deny. "Not even a little bit."

He winks at me and I internally swoon. Fuck me. "Sure you don't."

I roll my eyes and immediately bury my nose in his neck.

I'm not letting him flick my poor nose.

I swear, one of these days my nose is going to turn red and stay that way from all the abuse it's taking.

Aaron doesn't seem to have a problem with it, coming down even further so his body is against mine without crushing me to death.

I sigh contentedly, comfortable, and close my eyes, wanting to go back to sleep.

My phone starts to ring from where it sits on my nightstand, and Aaron rolls off me to grab it before handing it to me and getting out of bed, grabbing his shirt from the floor.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, not looking at the screen to see who it is.

"Where you at, Cassidy?"

My eyebrows furrow because last time I checked, my name isn't Cassidy.

I pull the phone away from my ear and check the caller ID, and once I see who it is I roll my eyes. "Jakey, why are you calling me?"

"Um, maybe because it's eight-thirty and you're not at school, are you stupid?"

"Yes," I immediately reply, throwing the covers off and moving to my closet to find clothes for the day.

Jake laughs. "Do you plan on coming to school today or are you going to skip with lover boy?"

I pause. "Who?"

He sighs, and I can picture him rolling his eyes. "Aaron. The boy that I'm assuming is still in your bedroom."

I start coughing and Aaron comes to stand in the door of my closet, a worried look on his face. "You okay?"

Resisting the Player -- [Completed - Unedited]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin