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Clementine sat in her bed, watching the sun go down through her dorm window. It was cold outside, and she relished the cold kiss of the wind. She looked to her left, where an empty bed stood. Vanessa used to sleep there, but had changed to sleep with Taryn in year 10. She enjoyed the empty space, but hated the feeling of betrayal, even though she wasn't even that close with Vanessa. She supposed she just wanted a best friend, someone she could call hers.

Her mother had gone home for the day, without even a goodbye. Her friends found it weird that Clementine lived in a dorm when her mother lived only a few minutes away. She never told them that it was her mother who told her to live at school, instead choosing to shrug and change the subject. Her friends didn't even know of her rocky relationship with her, as she had never felt close enough to disclose anything to them. Often times, Clementine herself wouldn't allow herself to think on it too much, she was unwilling to unpack all of that trauma.

Her phone vibrated once, twice and then a third time. She frowned and unlocked it, seeing at least a dozen notifications from her messages.

She scrolled through the texts her friends had sent in the group chat, bombarding her with questions.

Kira: ngl that was kinda fucked up clementine

Steph: Lmaooo fr

Vanessa: come on kira lay off her

Taryn: no I agree with her that was messed up u completely humiliated me like ur deadass a pick me for letting him do that to me

Kira: u didn't even say anything to defend us

Clementine: guys I didn't even do anything?? it wasn't my fault what the hell

Steph: If it was up to me u wouldn't even be here so u should probably keep ur mouth shut

Vanessa: woah lmao Steph don't be like that

Clementine: how can I keep my mouth shut when u guys are literally talking about me, i'm literally in the same group chat

Taryn: maybe u should just leave the group Clementine you'd be a lot happier

Steph: Yeah gtfo lmao

Kira: obv I agree it's for the best

Clementine: r u guys serious I can't believe this come on I didn't even want to sit with them is it really that deep

Vanessa: Clementine maybe u should? idk you could be a lot happier with other people

Steph: lmao van stop being nice ur so cute

Kira: Van means fuck off clementine she's just too nice to say it

Clementine wiped her cheek with her palm, blinking frantically to get rid of her tears. Shock ran through her, ringing through her ears. How could they abandon her like this? She desperately typed out a response, her fingers shaking over the screen.

Clementine: can we just talk about this? i feel like i'm getting blamed for something that wasn't my fault

Taryn: chill Kira's just telling the truth

Clementine: no she's not she's just using this as an excuse to be rude

Kira: what the fuck did u say to me u fucjing bitch

Stephanie: LMAO go off Kira

Clementine: Kira you're not even mad that Aaron told u guys to move you've never liked me and now you have a chance to kick me out

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