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"I didn't know girls and boys were allowed in the same room together." Amber smirked, eyes wide with mock-scandal.

Clementine took a step back, clutching the top button of her blouse, fingering it nervously. Amber stood in Elijah's doorway, one hand clutching her phone, the other at her hip. Her auburn hair was long and shiny, and her makeup was artfully done. She smirked and tilted her head at Clementine, who felt positively nauseous.

"Great," Elijah sneered, folding his arms across his chest. "You're here too. It's a fuckin' party."

"Elijah," Amber frowned, tracing a figurative tear down her cheek before smiling viciously.

She pushed through him and took a seat on his bed, accidentally bumping into Clementine as if she was a river streaming around a lone rock.

"Get the fuck out of my room," Elijah spoke coldly, his face set in a mask of restrained fury.

"Not without meeting your friend first." Amber smiled at Clementine. "Don't be rude, Elijah. Let the girls talk for a bit. How are you, Clementine? Isn't this so refreshing?"

"Hi Amber." She replied, waving hesitantly.

"Stay away from her," Elijah warned Amber, eyes narrowing into sharp slits. "I'm fuckin' serious."

"Or what?" She grinned and tilted her head, lounging across Elijah's bed as if she belonged there. A pang of jealousy ripped through Clementines chest, catching her off guard. She was not like this.

Ambers brown eyes traced along her figure, before meeting her eyes with triumph. Clearly she saw little competition.

"So what are you doing here, Clem?"

Clementine frowned at the use of the nickname Elijah used. It sounded wrong coming from anyone other than him.

"Leaving," Elijah said firmly.

She shot him a glare.

"No, stay," Amber chimed in. "Let her stay Elijah, look at how cute she is."

She smiled brightly at Clementine, her tone ringing with insincerity and condescension.

"No, it's fine, I was leaving anyways. It was nice meeting you."

Ambers eyes flashed.

"I said stay."

Clementine stilled, flicking her eyes towards Elijah, who liked thoroughly pissed off. Leaving meant pissing Amber off, and staying meant pissing Elijah off. She was screwed both ways.

"What, you don't want to be friends with me? Is that it?" Amber's voice was becoming increasingly nasty. "You think you're too good for me?"

"Shut the fuck up, Amber," Elijah groaned, tilting his head back.

"I didn't say that," Clementine mumbled, her cheeks burning as she spoke to Amber.

Ambers entire expression changed, and she smirked. The shift in her emotions was eerie, and Clementine decided to stand against the wall farthest from both of them. Coincidentally, the one closest to the door.

"The tension in this room is crazy." Amber whispered in a conspiratorial tone, her eyes gleaming. "What, did you guys have an argument or something?"

Elijah's eyes flickered to where Clementine was standing before returning to the wall. She sighed as he crossed his arms and set his jaw.

"We just had a mild disagreement, nothing more, nothing less."

"A mild disagreement." Elijah scoffed.

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