Chapter 1

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Amy Rose dove behind a metal barrier conveniently placed in Eggman's laboratory. A second after she hits the ground, bullets fire at her, narrowly missing their destined target. She was alone with the doctor, but she fortunately had recently called Sonic for backup. She stayed under cover, waiting for the bullets to cease fire. They thundered on the barrier like heavy rain.

Amy was starting to feel like breaking into Eggman's lab and trying to catch him off guard wasn't as good of an idea as she thought. She heard him laugh maniacally from the other side of the metal. "Come out, Amy. You're alone, and you can't stay there all day."

Amy shook her head even though he couldn't see her. "I'd rather get shot a million times over than to give up to you Eggman!"

Eggman hummed to himself. "That can be arranged," he said. Amy's eyes went wide, realizing what she had done due to her impulsive temper. This robot was too fast for Amy, and she was now worried that maybe Sonic would be too late this time.

As if on cue, the wall to Amy's left was burst through by a blur of blue. She covered her face with her hands, waiting for the smoke to clear. When she could finally see again, Eggman was escaping through the newly blasted hole in his wall, cursing death threats to the hedgehog.

Amy tangled her fingers together, throwing her arms down to her right side. Blushing intensely, she squealed. "Awww, Sonic! I just knew you were coming to rescue me!"

Amy rushed to Sonic's side. I'm a meek attempt to pull him into another one of her soul-crushing embraces, Sonic ducked under her, walking out of the room through the door.

"Sonic?" She called, but he ignored her. Amy ran after the blue hedgehog, asking him what was wrong. Still, he continued walking. Amy grabbed his arm and spun Sonic around to face her, but flinched away at his cruel expression.

Sonic towered over the girl, flashing all kinds of negative emotions. Anger, frustration, annoyance, and hatred. It brought tears into Amy's eyes. He said everything in his eyes, but he still spoke.

"Do you think this is a game, Amy?" Amy frowned, fighting her tears.

"...Game? What are you-"

Sonic stepped towards Amy, making her fall backwards. His anger was more present now. His lips were turned upwards into a sneer, and she could hear how heavily he was breathing, like he was getting angrier with each moment he looked at her.

"You can't keep doing this just to get my attention. One day, you'll actually get into real trouble, and I won't be able to save you."

Amy shook her head in disbelief. "You think I'm that obsessed with you?" Amy shot up, exerting a newfound anger of her own. Something she has never felt before. "You honestly think I would go that far? For you?"

Sonic backed away, clearly hurt by her words, but he didn't truly believe her. Amy saw the change of mood in his face, but she was on a rant now. Adrenaline rushed through her veins, and there was no stopping the vile rage that trembled inside her, waiting to be let out like a caged animal.

"Why would I ever even think of going this far when you show me no affection. You don't even act like my friend anymore, and I'm getting sick of it." Amy put her finger in Sonic's chest, pushing him back with each violent step she took towards him. "I'm not as desperate as your ego, Sonic. And pursuing you is a waste of my time. I used to be at a point where I couldn't stand to have you as anything less than my boyfriend, husband, lover. But now, I don't even want to look at you anymore."

Amy pushed past the shocked hedgehog. Does she really think that? He thought. Slow realization spread across his face. He couldn't stand to live without Amy. Sure, she could be annoying at times, to the point that he wanted her to be as far away from him as possible, but sometimes Amy was the only person he wanted to be around. He knew if anyone would stick with him until the end, it would be her.

Sonic knew he loved Amy. He always knew. But he was scared of the commitment. He didn't want to be bound to somebody when all he ever wants to do is run. Run far, run hard, run away. He didn't want anybody to live with that. How could he possibly support somebody like that? He thought that by pushing Amy away, he would be helping her. Now he realized that the lifestyle he always wanted was nothing compared to the future that girl could give him.

Sonic ran after her. "Amy! Wait! Let me explain myself!"

It was Amy's turn to glare upon her ex-lover. Sonic stopped, and his heart twisted at the sight. Who would have ever thought the roles would have switched?

"Goodbye, Sonic. Maybe one day, we can be friends again, but for now," Amy turned, "I can't stand to see you."

Authors note:
Omigoodness I've never really done this before so please give me feedback on what I could do better and if you have any ideas on plot twists or anything I will gladly use them! Have a good day y'all :)

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