Chapter 5

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Amy jumped, scared by the door slam. Shadow huffed, crossing his arms and walking back into Amy's living room. Amy abruptly followed, trailing the black hedgehog who helped her twice now.

"Thank you," she stammered. He turned his head slightly in an accepting stare. She sat down on her couch while he stood in the middle of the living room. She awkwardly gripped her knees, looking for something to say, while Shadow stared at the opposite wall, annoyed.

He didn't want to stay any longer and trouble this shaken girl anymore, but he also didn't want to leave her alone for his enemy to charge in and demand she accept his apology; and his feelings.

Yes, Shadow knew Sonic loved Amy. Even whenever she annoyed the death out of him, he was always smiling. Shadow first thought it was because she boosted his enormous ego, but later realized that Sonic wasn't as cold hearted as he thought. He could be caring and compassionate; when he wanted to of course.

Sonic was so devastated by his mistake that he is getting impatient and trying to force Amy back into his life. Shadow was surprised she didn't go running straight into his arms. She either lost her feelings for him, or she's really determined to hold her promise this time.

Amy could tell that Shadow didn't like staying there at the house, but she didn't know what kept him from leaving. Could he possibly want to stay with her?

Amy quickly shook the thought from her head. No, he's only here to keep Sonic in check. He wanted to make sure he didn't come running in on her again. She frowned, disappointed, then wondered why she was so upset over it.

Shadow finally turned, being the first to move or speak for the past ten awkward minutes. "You should go get some rest. It's late and you have had a really bad night." Shadow had his body turned towards the girl, but his eyes were on the fireplace.

Amy stood up, folding the blanket Shadow must have pulled down for her earlier. "Why do you care so much? I didn't think you of all people would take any kind of interest in me at all."

Shadow's face reddened at the question, not necessarily for a romantic reason, but because it shocked him. What a personal question. Why did he care so much about her? Of all of Sonic's friends, Amy was the most tolerable, but he hardly knew her, or any of them for that matter. He shouldn't care about any of them. But he couldn't leave her alone, and it was driving him crazy.

Shadow composed himself quickly before replying, "I don't know. Maybe it's because you're the only one who doesn't try to accuse or assault me on sight." It came out sarcastic, but the statement had truth to it. Amy didn't even think that Shadow cared about that stuff, but now she knew it must have. He was a living person too, and all living things need some sort of relationship with others. While he didn't show it on his face, she could tell that it hurt him.

Amy walked over to the closet and placed the blanket inside. "I understand how you feel." She simply replied.

Shadow turned, surprised at the blunt statement. "How could you possibly know what it feels like to have no friends? You're Amy Rose. Part of Sonic's league, hero of Earth. People here know you and love you."

Amy sighed. "I'm as much of a member of the league as you are, Shadow." She turned to face him, surprised that he made eye contact. "It looks like we're all close, but I can tell I annoy them all. I just have that kind of personality." Amy walked up to him. "They're nice to me and stuff, but they can't keep up with my perkiness. It makes me feel..." Amy pauses, fighting a tear that she didn't realize was forming. "Lonely, to say the least."

Amy smiled and shrugged, brushing past the black hedgehog. "You can stay inside if you want to. Weather says it's going to rain and I don't want you sitting up in that tree getting cold."

Shadow blushed, making Amy blush as well. Shadow turned to hide it. "How did you know about that?"

Amy giggled. "I saw you following me one day and got scared, but you never did anything to me. So I never told anyone about it." Amy quirked an eyebrow. "Speaking of, why did you follow me, and why do you still follow me, Shadow?"

Shadow backed away from Amy, putting his hands up in silent surrender. "It's not the reason you're thinking. I swear it's not for anything bad." Amy smiled and nodded in agreement. "It's just..." Shadow stuttered. He didn't like how out of character he was. How does she do that?

Amy walked up to him but he took another step back, untrusting. Amy looked upset, but didn't push him. "I know you're a good person, Shadow, and I'm not going to force you to tell me anything. I just ask that you stay inside tonight. Please?"

Shadow just stared, his gaze turning cold. "How can you tell?" Amy frowned. "You don't really know who I am. I helped out your team once, that was it."

Amy turned away from him. "I don't know how I can tell," she said simply. "All I know is that you are nothing like Sonic." Amy couldn't hold her words back. "And unless Sonic is saving the world, he isn't really a good person. So if you really are his opposing clone, then I trust you."

Amy turned to walk upstairs. "You're welcome to use the couch if you want to watch some TV, or there's a guest bedroom beside the kitchen that has a bed."

Shadow grabbed Amy's arm. "Wait!" He exclaimed. Amy turned to gaze at the black hedgehogs fiery eyes. He met her green ones.

"You asked before why I followed you." Amy slowly nodded, a small blush forming on her cheeks. "Well, I didn't think so before, but I think I genuinely like you, Amy Rose."

While Shadow meant as a friend, Amy believed this was a love declaration. She blushed intensely. "O-oh." She stammered.

Shadow wanted to stop there, but his mouth spoke quicker than his mind thought. "You're kind and sweet, and have such an outgoing personality that I don't find annoying, no matter what you're friends say." She turned so she was facing him. "You somehow manage to break people out of their shells. You can make people something they're not. You can make Sonic a nice person, and you make me do... this." He said plainly, looking away as he said it.

Amy didn't know how to reply. She didn't notice that Shadow was keen on reading people and figuring out their true colors. Amy smiled. So she was right.

Shadow snapped out of his trance, releasing Amy's arm and stepping away. "I'm sorry," he said, avoiding her eyes. "I don't know why I said all of that."

Amy giggled, causing Shadow to be more confused. "Wow, so this really is new to you, huh?"

Shadow nodded. "I guess it is. I've never had a... friend?" He asked her. She instantly nodded.

"Of course," she replied. "You're always welcome here, Shadow. Never hesitate to ask me if you need anything." And with that, she practically skipped up the steps, happily chirping to herself.

Shadow stood in complete opposition. Why did he say all of that? He meant all of it, but he didn't want it to come out so genuinely. But when he saw how happy it made her, he couldn't stop. He wanted to keep seeing that happiness. It seems Amy can turn him into a stuttering fool as well.

"Maybe," he sighed to himself. "Maybe I need to come to terms with my emotions. Maybe I have, indeed, been in love with this Amy Rose the entire time."

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