28- not invincible

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I nuzzled my head into his neck. We pulled away and he kissed my forehead. "Thank you for everything, Harry." I began to take a few steps away from him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He sat at the edge of his desk. I was surprised when he got ahold of my hips and pulled me even closer to him, if that's even possible. He softly kissed my lips. Then he kissed my cheek, then my jawline. And then, he started to repeatedly kiss my cheeks and just my face in general and that's when I knew he was just being his insane self and messing around. I started giggling and tried to push him away. "Harry!" He stopped and just looked at me.


"I have to go."

He huffed and made an upset face. This grown man really just made a face that only a child would make. I just laughed at him. "Okay, okay ! You have to go, Luna."

I looked at him in shock. "I literally just said that!" Jokingly, I push his shoulder. "I really should go now, though."

"I suppose so."

I take a few steps back then finally turn around. In my hand, I hold my way of getting home. Home. That kind of sounds funny now. Whenever I used to think of 'home' I thought of a place. I look back at Harry. Never in a million years did I think 'home' would be a person. Harry is my home. He always has been. How could I never notice before?

I press the button and a breech opens.

I close it.


Without turning around, I speak. "Maybe I should just stay." I turn around. "Yeah. I should stay. I'm gonna stay here."

Harry smiles and lightly shakes his head.

"Why not? It could be good. I could help you build stuff and be your assistant or something. But I would never get you coffee. That's the one thing i'll never do."

Harry stands up and walks over to me. He puts his hands on my cheeks. "Luna. You need to go back. You should make things right with your brother." He slightly smiles. "Plus, your Earth needs you. Everyone needs their Luna."

"Do you think there's a Luna on this Earth?"

He knew right away that I was trying to change the subject. "I guess you'll never know!"

I pouted as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Fine." I turn back around and open the breach. "But what if I-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was pushed through the breach. I groaned.

"Hey! There you are!" I turn around to see Cisco with panic written all over his face. "Where have you been?! How could you just run off like that?! What if you-"

"Oh my gosh! Calm down! I'm fine."

Cisco walked over to the computers and pressed a button. "Luna's back."

I saw Barry run into the room. "Hey! Thank God!" He sounded out of breath. Not long after, Joe, Iris, and Ollie walked in.

"Why is everyone here?" Oliver walks up to me and gives me a hug. "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

Oliver backed away from me and looks over to Cisco. "We got an alert that your... that you flatlined. We thought we lost you."

That must have been when I took off the device on my arm. It was tracking my vitals and when it's not on me after a while, it shuts down. But wait... "How did you guys receive my vitals? I was on Earth 2."

Cisco narrows his eyes at me. "What were you doing on Earth 2?"

Crap.. "No-Nothing. You didn't answer my question."

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum