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"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop staring at me." Liesel squinted to Max.


"It's rude to stare and strange for me!" Liesel answered.

"What if I told you it was for a lighting project." Max tilted his head to the side and smirked.

"Well it wouldn't be so strange then." Liesel warmly smiled and closed her eyes in a silent apology to Max.

"I must go now, goodbye Max!" Liesel grabbed her books off of the coffee table and waved back at her companion while she shut the door behind her with a reassuring click. It is at this time when Max begins his bouts of loneliness until she returns from school in the afternoon. He was a marathon runner, trying so hard to quicken through the trial, almost stumbling out of place until he sees the finish line in the second half of the day.

Poor Max sat alone in absolute silence, save for his movements about the couch which caused it to wrinkled under him. A sudden jolt of energy allowed for him to get up from the couch and make his way into Liesel's room. He walked in and stared at her room- the bed, the desk, and the books dotted on both. Pictures caught his attention that were framed on top of her dresser. At once he chose a picture and touched it, while Liesel smiled back in his hands. He smiled at this, and became addicted to searching for more images of Liesel. From baby pictures to pictures of her and Herr Steiner, Max continued. After setting down the last picture, Max smiled and went to his studio table to sit down. For a moment he paused to think about the joyous roommate he had at home. His heavenly thoughts were disturbed by the droning noise of the phone ringing. Immediately, Max sprung to his feet and rushed to answer it.

"Max speaking." He said in a very enthusiastic tone.

"Hallo, this is Herr Getz. When will you have your next painting completed? The gallery is in five days- you have started haven't you?" His supervisor and boss hinted as anxiety crept toward the end of his questions.

"I have started and it should be ready within the five day's mark." Max smiled and glanced over at his half-drawn-half-sketched canvas.

"That is fantastic. Along with you I have permitted you to bring a plus one guest, assuming that Sylv would enjoy going." Max's face dropped like rocks being flung into water. He began to sweat and lost focus of what was happening around him.

"Uh yes! That does sound lovely, see you then!" Max slammed the phone on to the receiver and kicked at the wall. He brushed his fingers feverishly through his hair and paced the room.

Is it weird I was looking at pictures of Liesel?

Max feels a metaphorical dirtiness cling to his body as he justified his actions mentally. He bit his nails, chewed them straight down to nothing. In a psychotic burst, he turned the dial on the radio up to a medium talking volume and set in on the windowsill. He took his time with cleaning the brushes and laying out his paint. With his sleeves rolled up, he gingerly rested his hand on his canvas and painted. Sweat formed and clung to him like static. At times he would put aside the brush he was formerly using and pick up another- either smaller or broader. Soon enough the canvas began to paint him back in blotches on his fingertips and forearm. For the remainder of the morning and early afternoon, Max had painted, fixated in his seat.

Liesel had returned, heavily breathing from running down the hall.

"Good afternoon." Liesel leaned against the apartment door to shut it. Max sat across the large open room at his crafting table.

"Hello Liesel." Max stood up and put his hands in his pockets.

"How is the painting?" Liesel dropped her books on the coffee table and began to investigate Max's painting.

"Now, now!" Max rushes to cover his art with a tarp.

"Am I not allowed to see?" Liesel snapped.

"Liesel I have something very important to ask of you." Max had settled his tone so Liesel would listen.

"I don't want you to see it until it is shown on display." Max pinched the bridge of his nose.

"But I can't see it! It will be bought before I will ever get a glimpse of it!" In distress, Liesel slumped onto the couch.

"Herr Getz, my boss, has allowed me to take one person to the opening. I ask you to fulfill that position." Liesel stares at him, words not escaping her mouth.

"I will go!" Liesel smiled brightly and wrapped her fingers around her knees.

"Promise me that you won't look at the painting though."

"Of course, anything!" Liesel's dimples deepened at the thought of being a somebody. All of her life she was outcasted and forgotten. Now, it was her turn to be soaking up the limelight.

That night, Liesel kneeled before her image of Rudy and talked to him.

"I hope you are happy with me Rudy, look! I am to attend a very important gala with Max. I miss you, and I want you to be looking over me up in heaven as I think of you from down here." Liesel whispered and smiled at the picture before going to bed.

From above, Rudy had looked down at his friend with no worries. He knew Max had her best interests in mind. And until the day Rudy would reunite with Liesel, he made sure Max provided everything she needed and more.

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