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I am sitting in the most magnificent, ancient, and vast library I have seen, next to Cambridge.  Call me a nerd, but can you smell that?  Books, knowledge and adventure.  It's the most amazing smell to my nerdy senses.  Well, add Issacs scent into the mix, and I may just move in here permanently.

While I am swooning over a smell, I am watching Anton pacing the room in front of the fireplace. Issac talked him through it all, adding in a tidbit I didn't know.   He didn't know how to turn me.  His wolf panicked wanting me as his chosen, and took over.   My wolf wanted to run and jump on him in that moment.   Horny thing.

"Issac, Roxy.  Do you realise how dangerous it is that you are claimed by a vampire?"

And this is what he has been most agitated over.  Marcus.   Now, I am going to be honest.   Marcus has turned into my friend.  I get no evil villain vibes from him.  In fact, shamefully I get possessive protective loving vibes from him.   Nothing will ever happen, and I won't lead him on. But the point being.  He wouldn't let anyone hurt me.  I know it in my bones.

"Marcus means no harm.  He wouldn't abuse his position.  The same way I don't either.  And it will wear off in a while.  Plus, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't know about their cause, their plans.  In fact, he has the same sentiment I do.  Peaceful outcome for all sides.  Neither of us want body counts."

Issac is watching Anton closely.  I can feel his wolf on alert and not... comfortable in Antons presence.  Which is weird, seen as he used to be Issacs mentor.

"Anton, I like is as much as you do.  But Marcus seems to b a good guy.  He's worked hard with my team and his Clan leader Damien.   They are wanting an audience with our elders.  Why not bring them in early and you can meet them in advance?  Roxy is under my care, and she's safe."

Antons fists are clenched, and I can feel those damn pin pricks of power.  Wow, he really has a thing against vampires.

"You are still a young wolf Issac.  You have no idea of the betrayal they are capable of.   Their cause is of a different matter.  Right now, they are linked to a Peacekeeper.  A gift!  Roxy, do you realise what a miracle and gift it is that you exist?  By the moon goddess I never thought we would be so lucky.  You have such an importance to our people.  To ours peoples' wellbeing.   It's why your kind were the first to be targeted.  You stand in the way of anyone wanting to cause harm to our kind.  And now, one of those THINGS can find you in a blink of an eye, and have a sense of control over you!"

Anton is practically roaring at no one in particular, and his powers are seeping out, like he's loosing his control or temper.  This is so personal for him.  As much as it irritates me, and prejudice like this really does.  His experience has dictated this, and my heart breaks for him.  It must have been a traumatic time and he must of lost someone or ones.

My wolf looks out, and I can feel her put her paw on his head.  He instantly takes in a deep calming breath, and his eyes turn back to their shocking blue instead of his wolfs deep amber.  Huh.  Thats a new trick.

"Roxy, you are such a special wolf.  I bet you didn't even mean to do that then did you?"

I blush a little.  Nope, that was all her.

"You have such potential.  If what you did at the launch party is true, your strength is rare, and such a gift.  Please.  I know we only just met.  I know it may seem like I am only interested in your abilities.  But, it's so much more."

"Anton, meet Marcus.  Believe me, once you meet him, you may change your tone.   You don't have history with this vampire. You cannot judge him before you meet him.  That would be like me judging all wolves because of the one who tried to kill me."

Narrowing his eyes at me, and running his hands through his messed up hair he takes in a deep breath.   "Fine.  Issac, I trust your judgement.  But, I want you to consider breaking this bond.  Even if what you say is true, that he would never harm you.  Others may harm him to get to you.  This bond is a danger to you both."

Issac snaps his eyes at me on this comment.   To break the vampire bond, a mating bond can take its place.   Thats right.  You heard me.  An unbreakable, forbidden to stray, permanent and life changing more so than marriage bond.   I am not even dating Issac, and he just asked me to consider the bond?!  The dude is running on fumes and fear to suggest such a ridiculous idea.   And Issac though not having commented on this, clearly is not against it.  

And that scares me more.

"You have said your piece on that subject.  So this has been intense.  How about I'll let Marcus know to come over, we grab some coffee, and let's go through the information you have on me like you said you would.   No point talking about the subject until you are blue in the face, and come to the same conclusion."

Issac chuckles. "It will never cease to amaze my little fox how you order Alphas around with such a nonchalant approach."

My wolf purrs how he speaks to us.  He holds so much respect for us, and never takes offence to my choices or actions.  In fact, other than from a safety point of view, he's really supportive and encouraging. 

"He's everything we could want, need and more.  He should be ours."

Whoa there!  Hold your horses.  You may be ready and all for it. But in my world.  You take your time, get to know the person.  Wait for the honeymoon period to leave and see if what is left behind is a person you can work with through the good and bad times.  Accept them for their faults and all.

"We will.  You should.  He will accept you for all yours."

Well.  Tough.  Marcus is not a threat to me.  And I am NOT committing on a whim to someone based on their level of hotness and skill in bed.   Thats a reason to pursue not commit.

I cut my wolf off.  God, you sleep with a guy one time, and it gets to this.  Its enough to scare me off people!  While I wait for Issac to come back form getting some drinks, I sit down in a high back winged chair, and god its so comfy.  I feel exhausted from all this.  And I know more is to come.  Ugh, and the growling from Marcus and Issac.  Resting my head on the chair and closing my eyes, I can feel the lure of a nap tempting me.  And you know what.  I take it.  

Even if I do snore.

First to comment gets a chapter dedicated to them.  I know it's a shorter chapter, but I needed to set it up for Marcus to get here.  Ooooooh!

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now