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I am back!  Sorry everyone.  It was a challenging trip I had to take and every time I wrote this chapter I kept killing off characters.   Clearly was channelling some energy there!   So, got myself settled, back in the game and feeling better to write.  Let me know in the comments what you think. xxx

——   As a catch up for those following the story as I write it.   Anton outed Roxy.  Remus an old eccentric vampire who likes to collect rare things is now looking for Roxy.   Issac has asked Roxy to be his mate. —

I can hear my pulse booming in my head.  My blood is boiling.  My chest has tightened making it harder to breath, and I am overwhelmed with a flurry of emotions, I am unsure if they are mine, my wolfs or Marcus.  

The overriding emotion though.   Anger.

These past few months have been challenging to say the least.  A serious adjustment.  And since I joined this world, my mundane normal life has taken a serious turn for more violence and risk.  And frankly.  No.  I do not like it.  That flipping wolf Anton.  Who the hell does he think he is?!  And this damn vampire called Remus has everyone in a panic.  Why do they let him get away with it?  What gives him the right?  This will not fly at all if they out themselves to the human world.

And Issac.  

His mate?  He asked me to be his mate?  Thats more permanent than a human marriage!   My wolf is howling with joy - I don't understand her.  I on the other hand am freaking the hell out.  It's too quick.  It's too soon.  In all my life of imagining how this moment would be.   This is not how I thought it would pan out.  I don't know what to think.  This week has been nice.  But.  Mates?

"I am your's Roxy.  Even if you refuse now.  I am and always will be yours."

This is too soon.  Too much.  Stupid Anton.  Stupid vampires and wolves.  Damnit.  Now, I think I have commitment issues? I probably do.  The idea of being tied down to someone scares the crap out of me.  Even if he does make my soul sing. That metaphorical snake that has been wrapping itself around me is squeezing tighter and tighter.  My chest is struggling to move, my breath is fast and shallow.

I look over at Anton.  He looks smug.  

That jerk!

"You.  You self centred, egotistical, thoughtless stupid wolf!"   Oh that got me a good growl out of him.  He needs to be taken down a notch or two.

"What kind of Alpha are you?  You're wolves depend on you to be fair and just, keeping them safe and cared for.  This is the opposite.  You are a power hungry ass, and I would rather spend my time with this Remus fella than another second near something as rotten as you."

Antons wolf is close, he snarls at me and is clearly not happy with the insults or what I personally think is truth.  He's prowling slowly toward me, his fist clenched so tight his knuckles are white.   I don't care.  This stupid wolf just put my daughter at risk, and that won't fly with me.  Ever.

"I am not sure what you were thinking when you orcastrated this, but how can your pack depend on you, if you are so self centred and power hungry?"

That did it.  He lunged at me, his fist coming toward my face.  Before I could react, because believe me, I damn well was going to.  Asshole.   Marcus pushed me to the side and started throwing punch after punch at Anton.  It was brutal as they rolled around the kitchen, snarling and growling at each other.  Issac started circling the duo, ready for his piece of Anton.   And this is when Andrew practically threw me out of the kitchen, running into the gardens.

A New Sensation - Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant