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Diana wasn't entirely sure what she was supposed to do. Limbo completely negated her powers, which honestly made her useless, all considered. She couldn't fly island-to-island like the ghosts, and all the ghosts she'd come across so far weren't friendly. After four days she'd run out of supplies, gotten herself completely lost and was close to tears from her frustration.

She had to find Pandora to retrieve an artifact for her mother.

"Um... hi..?"

Diana whirled around, her useless sword bared, to face a white-haired teenager with glowing green eyes.

He stared at her in confusion. "Are... you new..?"

She paused. "...I suppose you could say that," She offered slowly, eyes narrowed.

He stared at her hazmat suit and the filtration system to convert her carbon dioxide into oxygen. "Lab accident, huh?" He mutters, grimacing. "Still figuring out your powers? That's okay, it took me months to get them to work when I wanted." He comforted, oblivious to the fact she was alive.

Diana was glad to have a conversation with someone not trying to kill her, but she needed to get to Pandora. "You're very kind, but I'm not a Ghost. I'm from Themyscira, on a mission for Queen Hypolita." She announced to him.

He blinked. "...Well that explains it." He landed on the floating island she was on and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Phantom," He offered her his hand, which she shook. "Diana." He kept smiling. "What's your quest, Diana? Maybe I can help."

"I'm looking for Pandora. My island is in dire straits and she has an artifact of my mother's which can help." Diana told him.

Phantom grinned. "You're in luck— Pandora's a friend of mine!"


Diana slammed the artifact down on the table in the Watchtower cafeteria. "I met the oddest teenager today!" She declared pleasantly as she slipped into her seat, taking an offered tray from Shayera. "He was very kind! Helpful, too!"

Shayera raised an eyebrow, remembering the ghost she'd run into (the one who shot her, not Phantom). "A helpful ghost?"

"A helpful teenager?" John said in the same incredulous tone and the same time as Shayera.

Superman came in and sat down next to him, looking amused. "What's this I hear about a helpful teenager?"

"Yes!" Diana confirmed. "He was extremely helpful! Polite, too! He even showed me a way out and offered me food!"

"...But he was a ghost?" Shayera tacked on skeptically (just because she knew one wasn't that bad didn't mean she wasn't skeptical of the rest. All people are assholes and then there were the few who weren't as much of one).

"Yes! He had the oddest white hair and his eyes practically glowed!"

"Sounds like Phantom." Superman, John and Shayera chorused. They all blinked and looked at each other in surprise. "You know Phantom?"

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