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"Batman- you called me?" J'onn called as he floated down to the ground.

"Yes, I need to you go to Amity Park, Illinois- disguised, of course. I sent all the information to the jet."

J'onn cocked his head curiously. "Is there a problem there?"

"A small one," The hero admitted as he drove his car, "the local hero has been helping leaguers without their knowledge- I need you to test it from another perspective."


"Hey!" Someone called out.

J'onn, disguised (he barely called it that until he saw a green woman in an outfit that reminded him of Princess Jasmine (Superman insisted that they watch all of the Disney movies they could while they were at the Kents' for Christmas)) as what he presumed to be a "ghost", stopped and turned midair to face another flying being, one J'onn would call a ghost if not for his tanned skin. "Yes?"

The teen skidded to a stop, midair next to J'onn, smiling nervously. "Hi. Don't think we've met. I'm Danny Phantom- you are?"

"Daniel Codgers," Came J'onn's altered voice, one of an old man. "I don't quite know what's going on- do you, young man? One second I was in the hospital, wishing I could see my granddaughter one last time and now- well- I'm flying, for one," J'onn grumbled.

Danny grimaced, placing a light hand on "Daniel's" elbow. "C'mon- you're gonna wanna be sitting for this."

"Sitting? Whatever do you mean? I have to find my granddaughter before I die!"

Danny continued to guide the Martian to the closest rooftop, and keeping one hand on him, slowly and carefully told the disguised Martian that he had already died and that he was now a ghost. "You're not bad or good, you're, well, you, you're just driven by your dying wish of wanting to say goodbye to your granddaughter," He explained carefully to the astonished man, who was still gaping as if it wasn't true. "When I died it was terrifying and painful and when I woke up, I had the misfortune of getting an obsession that I can never fulfill because it'll never be complete." Danny explained softly. "You're actually really lucky, Mr. Codgers," He told him. "Your obsession is a goal that can be completed pretty easily, and after that your spirit will be dismissed." He snorted bitterly, "Trust me, it's better knowing you'll be dismissed than that your only option is fading."

"Dismissed? Fading?"

Danny grimaced. "When you're dismissed, it means that you're no longer needed on Earth, that it's time for you to go to Heaven for judgement. Fading... is..." Danny grimaced again, gripping the concrete beneath his hands so tight it crumbled a little, tears peeking into the corners of his eyes. "...not something you want. It means you fail. You're torn to shreds and banished to Purgatory. Forever."

"Daniel Codgers" stared at the boy, stunned. "...Oh..."

Danny got up and grinned. "But that's okay! Now, do you remember where your granddaughter lives?" He asked cheerfully.

"Yes, in Gotham."

"Wow," Danny blinked. "Do me a favor and don't mention me to Batman then!" He jokes (somewhat). "Can you get there on your own?" He asked, now concerned. "Getting the hang of your powers can take a while and the GIW'll do whatever it takes to capture ghosts. Do you want me to come with?"

J'onn shook his head, answering in "Daniel's" voice, "I'll manage." As he started to float off, J'onn paused and turned back to Danny. "Danny..?"

"Yeah, Mr. Codgers?"

J'onn hesitated, "Sorry if this is rude, but... what's your obsession?"

Danny smiled a little, like he loved it, but knew all it would do is make his life hell. "To protect. Ghosts and humans." He nodded in the general direction of Gotham. "Go. See your granddaughter." Danny then flew off in the opposite direction, calling over his shoulder, "Don't linger too long! The hunters'll get you!"

Taking his advice, J'onn flew off, even if he knew that he wasn't actually a ghost.



"He's doomed to die painfully, yet he still follows through." J'onn declared to his friend as he arrived in the Batcave.

He swivels to look at his friend. "Not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Would he make a good Leaguer?"

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