Chapter 20

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"Right this way, Kat." Sebastian pulls the doors to the room with no problem. He holds the door open for me to leave the room and follow orders. Before leaving, my hand bends into one of a middle finger flashing the others.

"Fuck you guys!" I yell before walking backwards

"You already did." I hear Damien mumble under his breath. I ditch the plan of pissing him off even more, because none of it was working.

       Sebastian makes no moves to touch me or drag me to the room. He simply follows behind me and gives me directions to follow.

"I can't believe you Sebastian! You just stood by and let him do this to me. He fucked up my entire life and you were just his little bitch!"

"You don't even know Kat!" He yells just right outside my bedroom; new bedroom.

"Know what? You're Damien's little Bitch? His lag dog?"

"You wanna know the real story? The reason why I'm here in the first place."


"Years and years ago, I fell in love. And I fell hard. Sadly, she past away shortly after. Because I was so in love with her and very young at the time, I decided to trade my soul for hers."

"Why? Why would you sell yourself to the devil?"

"That's what love does to you. You do crazy things for love." I guess I understand that; I did have sex with the devil because I thought I was in love. But I have not been in love, I don't believe what Damien and I had was even called love. More like lust and possession.

"Anyways, I sold my soul for her to be alive again. Right after she was brought back, she left me for someone else."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm over it now. But I still had no soul and was now working for the devil."

"That's terrible."

"It really wasn't. I made myself a best friend out of Damien. He might be my boss, but he is more like a brother. Then there's Zara. I love her more than anything on this earth."

"You're both demons though. How can you...feel?"

"We're like regular people. We just have higher emotions with some powers. You forget that you are a demon too."

"Half demon...which I'm in denial about."

"Well, this is your room. Damien will be by tomorrow."

"Thanks...and Sebastian, thanks again for telling me that story."

"Yeah. Anytime. Good night." I enter the room and close the door behind me. Once I do, I hear a lock; demons have powers you say?

        That's when I saw it all. Boxes spread across the room, filled with my things from my apartment. Things that I packed in my car to leave New York.

"Meow." A little noise comes from my bed. My little cat was siting up, staring at me. Cocking her head to the side; her way of saying hello.

"Salem! I missed you." I jump on the bed and pull her on to my lap. She curls up on my legs and starts to purr as I pet down her back.

"You're the only sane person/animal I know." Soon she's past out on my legs. I careful cradle her in my arms and remove myself from the bed.

       I walk into the closet to see my clothes as well as others I don't recognize hung up. Almost a thousand different, expensive dresses on one side. I bet for balls, dances and maybe even sex parties. On the other side was half my clothes and the other half all new. Fine jewelry with pure diamonds and rubies imbedded within them. Shoes, mostly high heels, and other sorts. But the thing that scared me most, was at the very end of the closet was a glass case. Inside the case, was a beautiful black diamond crown.

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