Tough after dark

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In due course, the meal had been concluded and everyone headed out of the feasting hall uttering their goodbyes as they headed for their chambers, on the way back I was walking with Loki when I decided now would be the time to ask him. 

I quickly glanced around and saw the guards focusing on other things so I hurriedly pulled Loki into a nearby room by his wrist not giving him the time to process. "What are yo-" 

"sh, I need a favour," I said hushed and he waited for me to continue taking a seat on some nearby steps his hands clasped in front of him "what is it?" he questioned wearily.

 "I need you to distract the guards so I can get out of the castl-" 

he interrupted 

"no you can't just leave" he scowled. "I haven't finished, I said I need you to distract the guards so I can get out of the castle so that I can go for a.. midnight run" I jumbled trying to word the sentences ending. 

"I can't allow you to leave without supervision you know this" He shook his head dismissively "look, Loki I have to stretch my legs and run for a long time or I get anxious and jittery it's terrible, just this once" I begged and he looked at me wearily. "I'm not sure," he grimaced "please, this is the only time I would beg for something like this it's entirely out of my nature so just this once" I pleaded.

He pursed his lips and stared at me hard as I threw on my best puppy eyes, with a sigh, he relented "very well-"

"-but you are to return before midnight" he added sternly and I grinned ear to ear "thank you!" I cried happily. "alright alright, we can head back to my chambers for you to change I will distract the guards while you sneak through the doors alright?" He told me and I smiled nodding.

We headed down the golden halls eyeing a few guards, I quickly darted into his room and grabbed a cloak that I had a maid previously make just in case I needed it. 

I threw it over my dress as I would be shifting when I got outside of the palace anyhow, I stepped out to see Loki chatting to a guard, as soon as he glanced at me all the guards froze. A green glow surrounding them all and he smirked winking at me "I've frozen them for a few moments, go" he signalled to run down the path and so I did.

All the guards were frozen when I ran past them and when I was out I shifted and ran through the woods. 

Loki POV:

I had no idea where she planned to go but I was sure as Hel not going to leave her to run out on her own at this time of night. I temporarily froze the guards and as soon as her steps ceased I unfroze them and distracted the guard in front of me by finishing my sentence. 

He nodded thoughtfully and I turned into my chambers, I walked to the balcony overlooking the residences below and watched as Megan bolted out of the doors below and wove through the streets visible from my angle swerving into the forest.

I took my leave by shifting into a black crow and taking flight following her brown form as she darted through the trees beneath me. I let my wings spread out and the wind blow over them keeping my upright with an occasional flap to keep balanced in the straight line.

She seemed to be in a hurry so I soon struggled to keep my flight pattern consistent but I managed to follow her deep into the forest around the area where we had ridden to, I perched in a tree when I saw her shift into her more human form panting. 

She was hidden in a large brown cloak that covered her head but she pulled it back. I watched intently wondering what she was doing out here stopping specifically, I caught a small glimpse of her features from a side angle as the moonlight bounced upon her fair skin. Her yellow and golden mix of eyes glinted and shone like flashlights darting in every direction around her as if looking for something or someone rather.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now