1. Diagon Alley

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"Mum, dad! I'm ready!" I yelled quickly running down the stairs, they were waiting for me by the fireplace since we were going to use Floo powder to get to Diagon Alley. It was my first year and I was really excited to get everything I needed.

My parents smiled at my excitement and my dad put a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down Y/N." he chuckled before getting the Floo powder out. I've already used Floo powder before so I grabbed a handful and stepped into our fireplace.

"Remember, say it clearly." my mum reminded me.

I nodded before shouting. "DIAGON ALLEY!"

Everything went in a blur and next, I appeared.

I looked around in awe, my parents appeared after and they started taking me to various shops where I got all my equipment and books. Afterwards, my parents told me to go to Ollivanders on my own as they were getting something. On my way there I passed the Quidditch store and saw the kids looking at the Nimbus Two Thousand in jealousy. I already had one since me, my dad and my brother Issac all loved Quidditch and my dad quite often took the two of us outside to play.

When I arrived at Ollivanders I looked around in awe.

"Mr L/N, I've been expecting your arrival here." a voice said.

I looked around and saw Mr Ollivander and I greeted him cheerfully.

"Hello Mr Ollivander. I'm here for my wand."

"Ah, I think I have the perfect wand for you." he said before going to find the wand.

Seconds later he reappeared and handed me a wand, I copied what my brother did and waved it around. Something exploded and I jumped back in shock.

"You're different from your brother then..." Mr Ollivander muttered before going and finding another wand for me.

The second wand I tried was perfect, something about it just felt right. I paid Mr Ollivander for my wand and thanked him before leaving. On my way out I accidentally walked into a girl with brown hair.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking." I said apologetically.

"That's fine dear." a woman's voice said, I looked up and saw a man and a woman presumably the girl's parents.

"Is this Ollivanders?" the man asked.

I nodded. "Yes sir, you get your wand here."

Immediately, I assumed that they were Muggles but I was too awkward to actually ask if they were. Instead, I turned to girl. "Getting ready for your first year?" I asked, smiling at her.

She merely nodded and I then saw my parents waving at me. "Sorry my parents are waving at me, I have to go." I said before running towards them. I then cursed internally, I never got the girl's name.

When I arrived back to my parents they were holding a cage with a tawny owl in it. I smiled and hugged both my parents, thanking them. I passed them all my books and my wand so I could hold my new owl's cage.

"Hey there," I said to the owl before thinking, "I think I'll call you Grey"

The reason for this name was since there were specks of grey on the owl's skin. The owl didn't seem to object with the name so I decided that his name was now Grey.

Once everything was done, all three of us travelled back home.

"Issac's coming back home tonight." my mum stated after reading a letter that the Weasley family owl Errol sent. Issac had been staying at the Weasleys for a while since he wanted to spend some time hanging out with Fred and George, the three of them being quite mischievous.

I nodded before I went upstairs and packed my new belongings into my trunk, still counting down the days until I was going to Hogwarts.

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