Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ethan, Audrey and Carrie were sitting in his meeting room together with his assistant, attorney, advisor, managing director, public relation director, personal investigator, marketing director and event planner. They sat together to discuss the lawsuit that was thrown at Audrey and Ethan respectively this morning. They received a letter stating that 48 people were sick from food poisoning at Loyd's event, which was catered by Bouquet Catering. Ethan was struggling to find the best solution of winning the lawsuit without damaging Bouquet Catering. He was also trying to suppress the media that was bloating the issue further.

"Do your fücking job or get out of here!" He yelled at his public relation director.

"Sir, I have information on the perpetrator on the lawsuit. I found out that Mr Russell paid huge amount to Mr Hansen Foy to resume with the lawsuit. He is also the one to leak the news to the media." His personal investigator revealed showing him the proof in the file.

"Damn you fücking Cale!" He cursed throwing the file back to the table.

"I want update on the FDA report, check all CCTV and question all waiters, chefs and staffs working that day. Maybe someone tried to sabotage us. Either way, check with the suppliers as well. I want all the guests affected by this to be sent gifts and apologies. I don't want them making a fuss out of this. And you better deal with the media! If I hear any more news on this, you're fired!" Ethan insisted and pointed towards his public relation who was looking more pale than he first came. Ethan dismissed the meeting and went back to his office, fuming.

"I'm sure your employees are trying their best, aren't you being a little too harsh on them?" Audrey asked walking into his office.

"It gets the job done." He simply replied.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused to your company. I didn't realized the amount of damage I've caused till today." She murmured.

"Stop apologizing, Audrey! I've said it's fine the first time. You don't have to keep repeating yourself. It's fine." He averred slightly exasperated by her lack of courage and confidence.

"But it is not fine, Ethan! And it is my fault. You can't expect me to sleep soundly at night knowing the damage I've caused to myself and moreover to others, especially you." She pointed out feeling overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"You're a strong woman, Audrey. I'm sure you'll find a way to fix this. But you need to stop blaming yourself, instead find the solution for it." He insisted holding her by her shoulders.

"I know, you're right. Now I know why you're so good at your job. Thank you." She looked at his icy blue eyes trying to understand and learn more about him.

"And you're too nice for your own good." He said.

"I'm trying to compliment you here. Do you have to ruin the moment." She joked when Carrie knocked on the door and reminded that they had to leave. On the way back to the office. Audrey called Cale asking him to meet her. They agreed to meet over lunch tomorrow although she had requested to just meet him at his office but he refused.

The next day, Audrey went to meet Cale for their scheduled lunch meeting near his office. She stepped inside the restaurant in her sophisticated navy blue sleeveless and long jumpsuit, taking a seat across Cale who was already seated at their table. They briefly greeted and ordered their food. After the food came, she eventually asked him the question that has been nagging her mind.

"Cale, why did you ask someone to file a lawsuit against Ethan and me?" She asked looking straight at his brown eyes.

"I knew you'd ask me this. I do apologize for the lawsuit filed against you, I never intended you to be dragged into this. I was just trying to get to Ethan, never you. You were just caught up in the middle. I will pay for the settlement and the attorneys as my apologies to you, dear." He affirmed placing his hand on top of hers. She slowly pulled her hand away to tuck strands of hair behind her ear.

"It's not about the money, Cale. I just want to know why are you doing this?"

"It's just something that I've to do." He spoke.

"I'm asking you sincerely, so please answer me honestly. Did you or did you not ask someone to sabotage the food?" She questioned seriously.

"No, of course not Audrey. Knowing you're the caterer, I wouldn't do that to you. It was just a coincidence. You have to trust me." He answered looking at her eyes trying to convince her.

"Alright." She noted how he admitted to pursuing the lawsuit without a hint of denial but quickly denied being involved with the poisoning, thus she concluded that he might be telling the truth. They finished their lunch shortly after.

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