Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

"It's been three days, Dree! Come on now, you need to get up! You need to eat, I can't be charged for negligence when they found your skeletons there! Come on!" Ava shouted trying to pull Audrey out of her bed.

"I will get up... later. I have catering event today anyway. So please let me just snug in my comfortable bed for a few more hours!" She whined trying to hide under the warm comforter.

"Gosh Dree, you're worse than me on my last break up. Come on!"

"Excuse me! I did not get drunk and be carried by a stranger! Nor did I continuously watch sad movies and cried for the whole week eating cookies and cream ice cream, under her covers!" She stick her head out from the converter.

"First, he wasn't a stranger. He's your boss, so technically, I was carried by an acquaintance. Secondly, do you have to bring that whole shit up. It was one of my lowest point in life. Thirdly, at least I succeed to bring your head out of that. Now get the rest of your body out of there. I made pancakes, especially for you." Ava smug proudly and then gave her a puppy look.

"You're exasperating." She said as she got out from the bed and slump over her friend waiting to be pulled towards the table.

"You know, you don't have to waste your tears over a guy who basically played you, Dree." She said plating the pancake and maple syrup in front of them.

"I know. I'm being stupid, I know that, clearly! I just can't believe he's so heartless and I was so stupid to believe him!" She replied taking a tiny bite of the pancake.

"You'll get over him! Just like I got over Ron."

"It's just that... he seemed real with me, Ava. I felt him being his true self and the relationship felt so real that it hurts. I don't know what happened. Things went down so suddenly. It's just that... Something must've happened for him to change so drastically." She explicated trying to hold the tears from falling.

"I know, Dree. Or maybe, he is just a simple jerk! You don't deserve to be treated like that! You deserve so much better! Whatever happened, he handled it the way any jerk acted. So he's a jerk!" She convinced her broken hearted friend.

"So, do you need any help with the event today? Do you want me to drop and pick you up afterwards? I thought one of the van has problems again. I think you should sell that van and buy a new one." She added.

"No it's fine. You'll just be wasting your time for a few hours doing nothing. Anyway, aren't you meeting with the new guy again?" She asked.

"I'll choose you over any guy, Dree. Except if its Chris Hemsworth of course. It's fine, I can drop you off and grab a coffee then pick you up again."

"I'll be fine, Ava, seriously, I'll just take a cab. I will give you a call if something's up, alright?" Audrey finished half of a pancake and excused herself silently dreading if Ethan might be at the event as well.

She took a cold invigorating shower and changed into a simple long cream sleeve shirt top and a black pencil skirt with a pair of silver pointed pumps. Audrey took a cab to the event location making sure that Carrie had prepared everything. Helping to double check the stock, the food and the beverages. They started to prepare the food at their respective stations.

"Table 18 and 19 ready to serve. Waiters!"

"Yes chef." The waiters took the plates and went out to the ballroom.

"Chef, the water pump is not working!"

"What! Carrie take over and I'll find the manager." She signalled Carrie and walked out of the kitchen looking for the manager in charged. She found him near the entrance welcoming the guest for tonight. Quickly, she walked towards the manager and told him the problem in discreet.

"I'm sorry, one moment. Good evening Mr Loyd, Mr Pullman had requested your presence in the private meeting room one, sir." The manager greeted while Audrey went pale at the mention of his name. She tried to avoid him but caught a glimpse of him with a beautiful red haired woman in his arms.

"I'll be in the kitchen." She rushed back to the kitchen trying to hold back her tears.

"Chef, this way." The manager responded directing her to the kitchen not realizing she walked to the opposite dirrction, wiping away the tears.

"Of course." She saw a glimpse of his eyes looking straight at her and she quickly turned away from his intense stare. She tried to compose herself as soon as she reached the kitchen door.

"It's fine, you're fine. Get over it. He's not yours. It's over. You're here to work!" She told herself and turned to see the person who has been calling her name, only to face the person that she secretly wished to avoid.

"Hey dear, I thought I saw you there. How are you?" He greeted holding her for a brief hug which she tried to avoid.

"Hi Cale, I'm good, how are you?" She greeted him back not wanting to be rude.

"I'm good. I couldn't find you anywhere near Ethan just now. You're not here as his date today? Why?"

"I have work... and... we're... nothing. There's nothing between us." She said without any emotions.

"Trouble, I see. You knew Ethan and how he is as a person. He's always looking for fun, not ready for something serious. You want to talk about it, dear?" He tried to offer comfort by wrapping his arms around her.

"It's fine. I think I should get back to the kitchen." She tried to evade, pulling away from him.

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