train ride

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( this one shot is inspired by the song/ video above! i love this song so much and it's just so adorable so i had to make a one shot based of this. ) i know it's been forever since i've updated this story but i lowkey forgot about it. my bad. anyways this is a really old draft and it's not done yet but i thought it was kind of cute. if you guys like it maybe i'll continue it!! also since i've been gone i have gotten over 9k reads! in honor of this let me know something you guys would like to see?? maybe a meet the author or q & a or something. anyway, enjoy !! - a/n
It's always something different with her.
For about as long as I can remember I've seen her here. We've been riding the same train for a long time now.
I've always taken a liking to the girl with the long purple hair.
Even though I'd never heard more than 2 or 3 words from her, she was charismatic.
Everyday she had a new book to read.
And everyday I kind of just.. stared.
She'd turn the pages so gently.
I noticed that she read strictly horror.
I was never a fan. I don't know what drew her to those kind of stories but I didn't judge.
Just admired her.
I stand in the same spot as always.
I stand next to her while she sits quietly.
I move a little closer to her, almost close enough to read the pages in her book.
She noticed I was near and looked up at me.
Then she caught me off guard.
She smiled so brightly at me.
I quickly covered my face so she wouldn't see the bright pink tint that spread across my cheeks.
How can you like someone so much if you never even talk to them?
I'm just so infatuated with her.
The next day I boarded the train and walked to my usual spot next to the girl with the purple hair.
Today, she waved at me.
I waved back without having a heart attack to my surprise.
I felt warm and fuzzy. It was a good feeling.
We continued as we usually do, in silence until an idea came to me.
What if I introduce myself?
"Hey . . . I'm Natsuki . . . I just realized that I never got your name."
She closed her book and placed it gently on her lap and smiled.
"I'm Yuri."
She held her hand out.
I shook it.
Then she picked her book back up and continued to read.
No conversation . . ? Strange.
The following day I boarded the train with a frown.
It was not my day.
I was soaked when I got on the train and not to mention freezing from the ice cold rain that was pounding a few moments earlier.
From the corner of my eye I could see Yuri look up at me and stare for a few moments.
Once she looked away I looked down at her and noticed that she had prepared for the weather.
Rain jacket, boots, umbrella.
I shivered and wished I had prepared like she did.
Yuri then reached into her backpack and pulled out a fuzzy jacket.
I couldn't help but wish I had one.
But unexpectedly, it was for me.
"Here. You look cold. You should check the weather more often." Yuri laughed lightly and got up to wrap it around my shoulders.
I looked at her in awe for a moment but then quickly thanked her. I smiled the biggest smile I had in a while.
My smile refused to leave for the rest of the ride home.
Excited to see Yuri, I got on the train and stood in my usual spot.
Yuri came in and sat down.
Today she didn't have a book though.
She had a notebook and a pen.
Feeling a bit curious, I leaned slightly to see if she had wrote anything but the page was blank.
How strange.
I waited for her to write something but it had already been 5 minutes and there was nothing!
The anticipation was maddening.
I was almost at my stop and lost all hope of seeing her write.
Until she picked up her pen and wrote two sentences.
She then flipped her notebook over.
Once I finally got to my stop I felt defeated and realized I would never get to know what she wrote.
I grabbed my bag and prepared to get off the train when I heard a piece of paper tear.
Yuri looked at me and handed me the piece of paper she just wrote on.
She smiled and I got off.
I read the paper and it said:

you look cute today. I didn't know what to write.

I could cry of joy.
I will sleep good tonight knowing Yuri thinks I'm cute.
I showed up to the train the following day as usual.
The fact that Yuri thinks I'm cute is one of the only things I've managed to think about. The wait to board the train was maddening.
After stepping onto the train, I noticed Yuri's face brighten.
Was she excited to see me?
Probably not.
Today Yuri moves a seat down from her usual spot and patted the seat next to her implying that I should sit down beside her.
I sat down and felt the butterflies in my stomach soar.
After moments of silence I decided to speak.
"Why do you like horror stories so much?" I asked her.
"I like the feeling I get from reading those kind of stories." She told me.
"What kind of feeling?"
"The feeling you get when you kiss your crush. Or when you're about to do something really exciting or dangerous. The feeling of adrenaline. I don't feel a lot of adrenaline in real life."
I feel adrenaline every time I look at Yuri . . .
"Lately I have been feeling adrenaline. Although I haven't been reading much lately." Yuri explained.
"Oh? From what?" I asked.
"Well . . . you." She laughed nervously.
All of this time I thought was so put together. I make her nervous?!
"What? Why do I make you nervous? Do I scare you? I'm sorry."
"Natsuki, no. Look it's your stop!" Yuri laughed.
Feeling a bit confused I got off the train.
There's no way she has any interest in me.
hey guys !! i hope you liked this one-shot so far. this was a really old draft but i kind of liked it. let me know if i should continue <3 - a/n

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