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(the kitchen and the bed are in the same space since it a cabin and some cabins have that kind of room.)

Y/n pov

It's dusk as I walk along the lake. With my feet bare, my flats I hand, and my leggings lifted up knee length. The sound of crickets and frogs constantly croaking to each other, making a peaceful sound to the ears.

It's nice to be away from civilization once in a while, away from all your problems and triggers. Work was getting really stressful so when a friends rented a cabin for me to take a well deserved break I immediately took her offer.

I sat on a big-enough rock close to the water, and took in the view of the the setting suns light reflecting on the lake water, and the dark Silhouettes of the forest trees. I leaned my head back and a and just relaxed now since I may never have the chance to do so again after this trip.


The sound broke the silence and made my head lift up all of the sudden, but all I saw were ripples in the water but no source. Must be a fish or maybe a frog , but whatever it is it's making me nervous and a bit paranoid. I get off the rock and speed walk back to the cabin I came from.


I was unaware of the yellow eyes staring at me with interest as I leave.

Next day

I awoke with the sun shining through the window near my bed. The birds are signing and the frogs are croaking, I sit up and yawn while I stretch my arms out. I get up from the bed and started a new day.

Shower, brush teeth, have breakfast, Ect.

But there was a light, single knock (more like a bang actually) on the door of the cabin. I went to the door and opened it, there was no one out there to be seen for miles. Then I looked down to notice some sort of 'gift'. It was small and was no bigger than the palm of my hand. But the way it was wrapped was strange, it was wrapped in a lily pad leaf and tied with long blades of grass that grows in the lake.

As I examined it I noticed that it wasn't the only gift ,there was a beautiful white lily. I looked around for anyone that could be out there with the 'presents' in my hands, but there wasn't.

I walk in the kitchen and placed the items on the table. I took a seat and looked at the leaf-wrapped item before cautiously broke the string that held it together. I welped and jumped as something immediately jumped out from it, I regain my calm and looked for it. Then I saw it..

It was a frog and a scared one at that. Before I could look at it more it was hopping all over the place before jumping out of the open window next to my bed. "Well that's one way to get rid of it" I said to myself in a reassuring way. Who would leave such a thing to someone? To me?   


the nightly crickets  are chirping  and the moon shines into the room through the window, I usually don't go to bed  till after midnight but something made me  want to go through the day faster by sleep. despite my want for it sleep never came. small splashes in the lake and frogs croaking. the sounds I hear outside make me want to explore forgetting the fact it's dark. 

I slip the covers off and stand up from the bed . I walk to the fridge to get a glass of apple cider out and ready, the chirping of the crickets haven't stopped but a new sound has invited itself; a violin. all action of mine paused and made me look towards the window , the violin serenading into the night far away from the cabin but just close enough to hear. 

I put the bottle of apple cider down onto the table and walk towards the door, once outside all the noises were louder . I head down towards the lake; towards the violins song. in the lake a man plays his heart out from a violin, his long hair matted to his skin from the water . the music invites me into the lake but I'm able to resist and stay by the tree I was looking at him from. his yellow eye catch mine and he smiles while he continues playing, he slowly walks to the edge of the lake towards me. I walk to him in a few small steps, stopping just at the edge of the lake.

he ends his song  and just looks at me for a while before I break the silence. "why are you in the lake at this time?" he tilts his head to the side " I live here." his voice is deep and calm, his yellow eyes have a glow as he stares with some intent. "may I hold you?" he asks all of the sudden "do you mean a hug?" he nods and spreads his arms out a bit to invite me. "how do I know you won't drown me? I know what creatures like you do." he lowers his arms and steps forward a bit.

" have you received my gift? it's something very precious to my kind so take that as my proof of me with no intent of harming you."  the white lily and the ....toad, a odd gift but from him it would mean something. "ok but if you try anything I won't be afraid to take you down." he deeply chuckles as he opens his arms again "alright darling." 

I walked knee deep into the lake and joined him in his embrace, it was a wet hug but it was still a good hug. "does this mean you accept me as a lover." I looked up at him and laughed " may I ask why you want as a lover?"  

"well maybe its that lovely face of yours that reals me in." he cups his hands on my face and brings me in for a sweet but long kiss as the moon shines bright and full in the night sky.

(sorry i haven't published anything in a long long while i've been working on my mental health and sexuality problems. but i'm getting back in my game so there will be more chapters to come and more requests to fill. thank you and i hope you stay safe and happy during these times.)

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