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Chapter Three

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Although I had been forced to leave Toby and Nikita behind, I handled my first lesson just fine. Mr. Woodhouse spoke briefly of the coming year's curriculum and asked us all to start research on Britain during World War II. When the bell went, I waited behind for a moment, keen to avoid the hustle and bustle of corridor life.

"Maddie, great job today," praised Mr. Woodhouse. "You'll let me know if you're struggling with anything, yes?"

His need to coddle me didn't sit right. Still, I said nothing, knowing he wasn't intentionally belittling me.

"Absolutely, Mr. Woodhouse. Thank you."

I swung my backpack across my shoulder and exited the classroom, making my way towards...


Which way was English?

"You lost?"

The voice came at me from behind, vaguely familiar. Jason Scott.

"Umm..." I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment. "Yeah. I forgot where English is."

"That's cool. I'm heading there too. I'll show you," he replied, taking off down the deserted hallway. "You remember me, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Jason Scott."

He winked. "I must've left a lasting impression."

I laughed at his arrogance and refrained from telling him that only my memories from the previous two years were in bits. Everything else before that was still intact.

"So, first day of junior year. Good to be back?"

"Yeah. Kind of," I answered. "Minus the whole forgetting where I'm going."

"It happens to the best of us," he insisted, turning down a right angled corridor. "Just last week I forgot where I parked my car at Gina's diner. I circled the parking lot twice before realising I didn't even drive there."

A loud laugh escaped my mouth and bounced from wall to wall, intensifying the sound. "No way!"

"Yes, way. See, you're not the only one."

His need to make me feel better was appreciated. I had no recollection of being close to Jason but he seemed nice.


He stopped walking and I copied his movements, not wanting to get lost again.


"I'm glad you're okay. When I heard about your accident, I prayed for you."

Huh? I didn't remember him being religious before?

"Thanks, that means a lot."

"It's nice to have you back," he added, gesturing behind me. "Miss. Clark's class, right?"

I twisted in my stance and locked eyes with my supposed English teacher.

"Yeah, thanks a lot."

"No problem. See you around."

I offered him a coy wave and watched as he walked away before entering my own classroom. By now, most students were seated, though had yet to quieten down. I made my way toward Miss. Clark, knocked back by a sudden wave of light-headedness.

Not now, please not now.


I briefly closed my eyes and counted backwards from five, mindful of my breathing. By the time I reached zero, I felt confident enough to open my eyes and was pleased to discover my dizziness had passed.

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