Wattpad Original
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Chapter Five

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Tuesday morning's ritual was exactly the same as Monday's, only with a different outfit; black yoga pants and a button down shirt. I'd paired it with my white converse for the sake of convenience and didn't regret a single thing. Toby always parked miles away from the school's entrance, all in the name of keeping his beloved car safe.

"Day two and I'm already sick of this place," he moaned, carrying both mine and Nikita's book bags.

He was a true gentleman when it came to the act of chivalry and never let us ladies suffer when in his company.

"Correction; you're sick of Warren," replied Nikita, throwing him a stern glance.

"What's he done now?" I asked, mindful of their on again/ off again relationship.

A sigh fell from his lips, "Aside from faking a relationship with a girl? Moaning at me for not being more understanding? Breaking my heart?"

"It's his loss," I offered, kissing him on the cheek.

"I agree."

"But I feel awful. I know he's pressured by his parents. I don't want to force him into coming out when he's not ready but to fake a relationship for the sake of keeping his father happy? I'm not being unfair, am I?" he asked, genuinely seeking advice.

"I think he has a few things he needs to work through before he can commit to a relationship with you," suggested Nikita, attempting to soften his blow.

"Yeah...I just wish I didn't have to look at his gorgeous face every day. That definitely doesn't help."

Right as he said this, a football flew straight past our heads, landing a few feet ahead of us. The unexpected fright kick started my anxiety, giving me an overwhelming urge to shout.

"Watch where you're throwing that thing, asshole!"

The words were out quicker than I could comprehend, alerting Toby and Nikita of my growing rage.

"Maddie," soothed my frantic friend, encouraging me away from prying eyes.

It seemed my outburst caught the attention of many.

"Breathe, girl. Get a hold of it before it consumes you," she continued, forcing us both towards the bleachers, offering up a sense of privacy.

"They know I have a brain injury! How can they be so careless!"

"I know..."

"Don't they know a slight hit can be critical for me?"

"Maddison, this isn't you calming down," she scorned, though remained light-hearted in her need to do so. "Close your eyes and breathe, please."

I did as I was told, picturing myself on some secluded beach with my blue ball of peace. After a while, I felt much calmer, prompting the arrival of my guilt. I'd called Jake Mathews an asshole for no reason other than his need to misjudge a throw. I was the asshole.

"Better?" asked Nikita, rubbing both my arms.

Toby came rushing over, desperate to check on us. "Babes?"

"I'm okay," I ensured, running into his open arms.

Nikita came at me from behind, wrapping her arms around my waist in a bid to join our hug.

"I overreacted."

"You did no such thing," insisted Toby, pulling away slightly. "I told those boys off. They're all feeling pretty silly right now."

Nikita laughed, amused by his overprotective ways. "Shall we get going? The bell rang about two minutes ago."

"You good?" asked Toby, squeezing my arm.

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