7: Visiting the People and a Change of Heart

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I did not see Nicky again until the next day. I sat through a quiet meal with my father and went to bed early feeling slightly sick. I thought I had driven Nicky away, and instead of feeling relieved, I felt sad. I did not sleep well that night, and not only because there were many people arriving for the coronation in three days time causing a raucous of noise. However, the next morning I was proved wrong when Nicky came down and joined me for breakfast. I was eating alone and feeling miserable, when like a ray of sunshine he bounced into my life again.

"Morning Bellatrix, how did you sleep?" He questions.

"Oh, Nicky!" I exclaim. "Erm, fine, fine. And you?" I ask anxiously. I have never felt so nervous around someone before!

"Yes, fine." He sighs as he moves to sit in the chair opposite me.

I suddenly feel self-conscious whilst eating my food.

"About yesterday, I want to apologise-." I start before Nicky waves me off.

"Oh no, do not worry about it. I was a little inappropriate. What happened in the past should stay in the past. Being your friend is more than enough." He reveals with a small smile, and I am pleased to see that he is not mad with me.

"No, it's just me... I am just... awkward - and scarred." I reveal with a pained smile. "It is nothing to do with you though." I quickly add when I see how worried he looks.

"I am always here if you need to talk Trixie, always." He reveals solemnly.

"Thank you... I know." I whisper back.

"Say, how would you like to come into Wellow – a little town not far from here with me today?" He asked. "I have decided to visit the orphanage and some of the people, as I do not know when I will next get the chance, considering I will be King soon."

I have to admit that I am surprised he is going to visit a small town. I have never done anything like that! Once or twice, I have begrudgingly gone out to the cities, and the rich parts of Aswela, but never an orphanage or poor area. I have never really thought about it before, but I guess I am quite a self-centred person... I have never cared about anyone's interests but my own since a scoundrel broke my heart.

"I would love to accompany you."

"Great, I'll let George know we have an extra person coming with us today. Can you be ready in an hour?" He asks with a joyous smile.

"Of course." I reply with a smile of my own.

I decide to wear another simple gown today, which is a soft pale pink with gold trimmings. My maid twirls my hair into a pretty style, and thread white flowers through it. I certainly look very elegant. I meet Nicky outside the castle with my thick white fur cloak on, and we enter into the royal blue carriage with large golden wheels. He is wearing a simple black cloak with gold buckles, showing only his heavy black boots underneath. I am surprised to see he is not wearing a crown, making my own feel a little heavier, but then again Nicky is an odd person, and I find myself getting used to his quirks already.

The ride into the town is pleasant and not too long, but I feel as though Nicky is being extra cautious with me after the events of last night. We talk about the weather, but no deep subjects such as each other. I cannot decide whether I am relieved or saddened by this development.

The town is quaint with a maze of narrow winding streets, as complex as the heart. I cannot help but turn my nose up at the dirty children running around in the snow causing havoc, and the equally as dirty people with untamed hair and faded garments standing back with beady eyes watching the carriage roll by. Why Nicky would actually want to spend time here is very perplexing. You do not know what diseases you could catch from such filth! Peaking through the white like blood are the streets paved with dark red stones, and as we pass through, I am surprised to see Nicky joyously waving to his people, and them waving back happily! We pass by a few respectable looking shops, the waft of fresh apple pie delighting my senses, and the sound of the smiths, beating swords and breastplates into shape, with consistent and dull pounding lets you know the town is alive.

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