10: A Kiss and a Visit

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"Well I think you are perfect just the way you are, and so beautiful." He hums, reaching out tenderly with one calloused palm to caress the side of my face.

Almost as if on instinct I lean into his comforting touch, my eyes fluttering closed. When they flutter open again, I realise just how close I am to Nicky, who seems entranced by me. My heart starts beating faster as our eyes meet, blue on blue, a blend of perfect harmony. The atmosphere is tense with passion, and I cannot help but drift closer to him, his eyes darting from my face to lips rhythmically. He moves his face closer to mine, and I sit rigidly, from both fear and excitement. Am I really going to let him kiss me?

Yes, yes I will.

Warm lips press against mine and my eyes flutter shut, but in the darkness, I see light exploding! I no longer care about my vow to die alone, as all I can think about is Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. He kisses me soft and slow and tastes like November – like hot chocolate on stormy evenings and warmth after being sheltered from the cold. We hold it for a few seconds, before our lips began to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. I exhale through my nose, not wanting to let go. My entire body has been taken over by the overwhelming feeling of relief, combined with eccentric panic and love.

However, just as quickly as we join we jump apart in a panic, as a knock on the door jolts us out of wonderland.

"You have to go Nicky!" I exclaim, thinking about how inappropriate our situation looks – and is. "What if it is my father?" I whisper yell, my heartbeat thundering in my chest, and not only from nearly being caught kissing the soon to be King!

"Calm down my love, I will head out via the fireplace. I will see you tomorrow?" Nicky whispers as I hurriedly escort him to his exit.

"Of course, but please hurry!"

"Calm down my love." He hushes me just before he fully submerges himself into the tunnel, before taking my hand and pulling me down to his level, and connects our lips again. They are firm against mine, but the kiss remains soft, gentle, and slow. I nearly forget about the predicament we are in, until there is another knock at the door, sending my cheeks aflame and making me push Nicky firmly into the tunnel. Once the fireplace is back in place, blocking out his amused chuckle, I hurry to the door, hoping I do not look as flustered as I feel.

"Yes?" I ask as I unlock and pull it open, before a big smile pulls onto my face as I realise just who has come to visit me.

"Ariana! Oh my, I am so pleased to see you!" I squeal, as she jumps into my arms.

Ariana is the youngest daughter of King Fenston and Queen Giovanna of Ushor, and she has two older brothers – Octavius and Leonardo, meaning she has a relatively easy life and is able to enjoy just being a member of a royal family. She has no pressure to find a husband since she will always be looked after, and she is undeniably gorgeous. With characteristic bronzed caramel skin, and vivid green eyes that remind you of spring, she turns heads wherever she goes. Milk chocolate hair falls to just below her shoulders, and just to the left of her cushiony lips she has a beauty spot.

"Oh Bella, I am so happy to see you! It has been far too long!" My best friend Ari exclaims.

"Quickly, come in for a moment." I whisper as I pull her into my room, before we squeal and pull each other into another hug.

"How have you been?" She asks, making herself comfortable in my bed.

"Actually... ok." I admit. "And you?"

"I am great, just tired from the long journey to Kustrington." She reveals with a cute yawn. "But as your best friend I have to ask, are you hiding someone in here? Or were you doing something questionable? You looked very flustered when you opened the door, and you took a while to come as well." Ariana asks with a cheeky smirk.

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