When he apologizes

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You woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. Confused you got up and too k a look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was everywhere in a rat's nest and you had makeup smeared from the crying last night. You quickly brushed your hair and washed your face. Once that was done you got a pair of jeans and a grey tight shirt. You quickly changed and went downstairs to see Jack standing by the stove cooking bacon. You hung your head low as you passed him and got a glass from the cupboard. Jack finished the bacon and set it on a plate and set it on the table. You gulped the water down quickly and placed it in the sink. Jack's words were still sadly in your head. You felt arms around you then felt your face in a chest. You took a deep breath and smelled the iron smell of blood, but also of woods and cologne, the smell of Jack. "(Y/N), I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean any of it, I promise. I, fuck, I can't say how sorry I am. Please forgive me." You nodded your head against his chest and let a tear drop. "I'll make it up to you, I promise!" He said and you smiled happy that he apologized.


You gave up looking for a job and laid down in bed. Your cheeks hurt whenever you would touch them. You sighed and went under the covers hoping that your parents wouldn't be back until late. You heard your window open and a 'Thud'. You started shaking in fear and your held your breath. You felt a hand go on your head and rub it softly. A soft and gentle voice then spoke. "(Y/N), I can't tell you how bad I feel for hitting you last night. I was mad and took my anger out on you. It was wrong, so wrong of me to do that. I promised to protect you and instead I'm another person you need protection from. I'm so sorry." Masky said, starting to choke on the last words. You could hear a sniffle or two come from him every once in a while and finally you couldn't take it. Your baby was crying and you needed to tell him it was OK. "Masky, it's OK. I forgive you." You said in a whisper. You pulled the blankets off of your head but covered your cheeks. He had his mask off and you could see the pain and anger in his eyes. He had done that to you. He felt horrid, a monster for hurting the one thing that loved him. Sure he had Hoodie, but he was just a friend. He wrapped you into a hug and let a tear fall at the thought that he could have lost you. You hugged back and rubbed his back comfortingly. "Shhhh, it's OK Masky, everything will be OK." He started to calm down after that.


You had done a load of laundry and hung it up to dry and now were sitting on your bed, thinking. Thinking about the fight you had just had with Hoodie. Going into your bathroom you went into the cupboard under the sink. You always kept it empty for reason when you need to think. The feeling of the closeness made you comfortable. (Sorry if your claustrophobic!!!) You heard a noise in your house and you started to get nervous. The noises kept getting closer and closer until you heard footsteps by your bathroom. The door opened and the footsteps came to the sink. You held your breath in fear and then the cupboard door opened. Your eyes widened when you saw Hoodie standing there. He didn't have his hoodie or mask on so you saw his face. You shut the cupboard door and Hoodie sighed. "(Y/N), I'm sorry." He said without stuttering. "I-I came to ap-apologize for being a jerk. I'm so sorry. Y-You just wanted t-to be nice and-d do something-g for me." You opened the doors and looked out to see Hoodie sitting next to the sink with a guilty look on his face. Climbing out and hugging him you whispered "It's OK Hoodie, I forgive you."


You didn't feel like seeing Ben today so you decided to go to the park near your house. Nobody was there so you sat on one of the swings and started singing a song. "Well, I know you're laying back, Contemplating your own death.Well, just look at what you've done.Don't you dare forget the sun, love!" "Ahh dat iz a good voice you have dere." A familiar french voice spoke. Turning your head you saw Grinny. "Oh, hello Grinny, thank you." "So where iz the Benjamin Drowned?" Narrowing your eyes at his name Grinny smiled. "He hasn't come out of hiz room since he got home last night." You just nodded your head and he continued. "He had zome tearz on hiz face az well." You nodded again and took out your phone and turned it on. Seeing that you had a ton of messages from Ben didn't surprise you. Grinny jumped into your lap and you started to pet him. Sending a text to Ben, you set your phone on the ground and waited. Ben came out of your phone as fast as he could, but stopped when he saw Grinny on your lap. "Grinny..." Grinny simply started to purr as you continued petting him. You smiled and began to scratch behind his ears which made him purr louder. Ben went behind you and hugged you. "I'm so so so so sorry (Y/N)!!!" "I forgive you." "Please I'm sorry, forgive me!" "I forgive you." "(Y/N)! Can't you see I'm a-" He was cut off by you giving him a kiss on the lips. "I forgive you...Now go buy me another wii since you broke mine." He smiled and ran off to get you another one.

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