Time of the month

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"Hey Jack, got a second?" He nodded his head and you walked up to him held out a fork with some kind of meat on it. "Well?" He nodded his head and smiled. "It's really good!" You sighed in relief and quickly went back to the kitchen and continued to cook the meat. You had been having cravings for meat and decided to fix them. Now you were having pork roast (Yuuuuum!) and mashed potatoes. Setting out two plates you got Jack a plate and you a plate. "I didn't think that you would like pork, usually you just eat your kidneys." He chuckled and told you that he could eat other foods. You two quickly ate and put the plates in the sink. "So, what now?" He asked you and you pulled out a movie. "Carrie?" He asked and you nodded your head yes and dragged him into the living room where you watched the movie and others the rest of the night.


"Masky, can we snuggle tonight?" You asked in an innocent voice that Masky couldn't say no to. "Aww of course babe!" You heard babe and then realized that it was short for baby. You started tearing up. Masky looked surprised and then ran over to you and hugged you. "(Y/N), what's wrong!" "Babe is short for baby, I'm not a baby!" You said. He started rubbing your back and tried to calm you down. "Of course your not a baby! Your strong and brave and my darling." You smiled and kissed his mask and dragged him to your bed was. You two snuggled and he was wondering about what had happened. "Masky?" The innocent voice asked again. "Yes (Y/N)?" "Im sorry for the mood swings. I'm on my period and it messes with my emotions." He nodded his head and smiled. "Don't worry about it, it's cute." And then he kissed you on the forehead.


It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and you were groaning. You woke up with cramps and realized that you had started your period. Muttering a curse under your breath you got up and fixed your problem, then went downstairs to take a painkiller. Running through your cupboards, you realized that you didn't have any to take. You groaned and lightly hit your head on the counter. "Why did I have to run out now!" You whined and went to go lay down on the couch and watch some TV. The pain still hadn't gone away and you were getting frustrated. Hoodie came in and saw you laying on the couch holding your stomach. "(Y-Y/N)! What's wrong!?" He asked in a worried tone. You groaned and said "It feels like a knife is stabbing me in the stomach and I have no damn painkillers for this! I ran out." He rummaged through his hoodie pocket and pulled out a container of painkillers. You gaped at him and he pulled two out. "Oh my god Hoodie you are my lord and savior right now!" (no offense meant to be taken!) He chuckled as you ran into your kitchen and popped the pills. "So what's th-the problem?" He asked you as you came back into the living room. "Period." You mumbled as you layed back down on the couch. You nodded his head and started to massage your back. "I love you Hoodie." "I-I love you too (Y-Y/N).


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Ben repeated as he jumped on your bed, with you still under the covers. It was a Saturday and you were on your period and just wanted to sleep. "Beeeen, leave me alone!" "Nooooo! Get out of bed!" "I don't wanna!" "I'll drag you out!" He threatened, but that still didn't make you move so he grabbed your ankles and dragged you out of your bed. You gripped the blankets to keep them around your body as you fell to the floor with a 'Thump'. "Let me sleep please." You mumbled as you closed your eyes again, only to have Ben jump on you and knock the wind out of you. You started gasping for breath and couldn't breath 'cause now he was laying on you. "B-Ben, I can't breathe!" You whispered and he got off of you. "Why won't you get up!" He asked while giving you a look of sadness. "Today we were going to have a video game contest." He pouted and you just closed your eyes and started to fall back asleep. "(Y/N) What is wrong with you today!" He yelled and you got up and slugged him in the arm. "I am on my period... Don't mess around with me! All I want to do is sleep... Do you have a problem with that!" His eyes widened and he shook his head no while you grabbed your blanket and went back into your comfy bed. Ben left and came back with another pillow and layed down next to you while you snuggled into his chest. "Much better." You muttered before drifting off to sleep.

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