Friday, One Day to the End of the World

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"Well? Any news?" Crowley asked the reaper and angel as they met him under the gazebo in a park.
"And what kind of news would that be?"
"Well have you found the missing anti-Christ's name, address and shoe size yet?"
"His shoe size? Why would I have his shoe size?"
"It's a joke Zira. And no Crowley. I haven't even had a chance to escape work yet. Something weird is going on. People have stopped dying."
"What do you mean?"
"The people that we were meant to collect have not left their bodies yet. It this part of the great plan?"
"It's must do if it's happening." The angel didn't seem very sure about that and any sort of comfort that that would have brought him in the past seemed to have disappeared completely. Aziraphale had lost faith in the plan but refused to believe it.

"Yeah. For the record. Great pustule the mangled bollocks to the great stinking plan!"
"May you be forgiven."
"I won't be forgiven. I never will be forgiven. Hope can't even be forgiven. Not ever. Being forgiven was never an option offered to their kind."
"Well. You were an Angel once."
"That was a long time ago." Crowley passed for a bit before turning to both of them again. "We find the boy. My agents can do it."
"And then what? We eliminate him?"
"Well we have to do something. I'm not letting the only home I've ever known go to waste. Without this world, I would have never met you two. I would have never discovered my love of chess, love of art...I...I can't give up."

"Then you kill him." Crowley suggested.
"I told you. I can't. I physically am incapable." Hope reminded them.
"Well someone has to. I'm not personally up for killing kids myself but..."
"Well you're the demon. I'm the nice one. I don't have to kill children. If you kill him, then the world gets a reprieve and Heaven doesn't get blood on its hands."
"No blood on your hands?" Hope spoke up. "I'm sorry but how many people have you and your lot smited people over the years? Pillars of salt? The Red Sea coming together on those soldiers? The plages?"
"I'm not killing anybody!" Aziraphale yelled back.

"This is ridiculous. You are ridiculous. I don't even know why I'm still talking to you."
"Well frankly neither do I."
"Enough. I'm leaving."
"Wait. Crowley! We can't stop working together now. Please!"
"Hopes right Crowley! There's nowhere to go." The angel said desperately.

"It's a big universe. Even if this all ends up in a puddle of burning goo we can go off together. All of us."
"Go off together?" Aziraphale sounded happy for a second but that glimmer was also overshadowed by worry and disease. "Listen to yourself."
"How long have we been friends. 6000 years!"
"Friends. We are not friends. We are all on different sides. We have nothing whatsoever in common. I don't even like you two."
"Don't call me that. We aren't friends. It's impossible." Aziraphale started to walk off.

"Oh come on. Of course you like us." The demon shouted after him, causing the angel to turn around.
"Even if I did know where the Antichrist was, I wouldn't tell you. We're on opposite sides!"
"We're on our side! We are supposed to be saving the world. Protecting our friend! What's was the goal!" Crowley snapped.

"There is no goal anymore. It's over!"
"Wait. Aziraphale please!" The reaper started to cry. Their two best friends were leaving them and they couldn't stop it.

"Very well then. Have a nice doomsday." The demon said, walking away from the gazebo.
"Crowley! Please..."

And just like that, they were alone again.

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