17 Minutes to the End of the World

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The two continued to race the poor Bentley down the highway towards the Tadfield airbase. It wasn't long before the pulled up and jumped out of the car. "You wouldn't get that sort of performance from a modern car!"
"Hey Aziraphale. See you found a ride. Nice dress suits you."
"Hope...I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight..."
"It's fine Aziraphale. I don't think any of us have ever thought a straight thought in our existences. I mean look at us."
"I...I just want to say I'm sorry..."
"Look. I'm just glad you came around." They smiled at him, indirectly telling him that she had forgiven him. "Can we do this later? That humans about to blow your head off." Hope gestured to the guard, who was watching the interaction in shock which is fair. Not every day you see two people get out of a burning Bentley.

"Allow me." The demon strutted over to the guard. "Army human, my friends and I have come a long way, and..." his little speal was cut of by the security gate opening and four children on bikes casually riding though.
"Hey. Look! I found the anti-crist!" The reaper announces at the guard went after kids, telling Crowley and his merry band to stay put. "Yeah. No, we aren't listening to that. Let's go."

The four, technically five, beings started to walked into the base but were interrupted by an explosion.
Crowley was the first to turn around and see the destruction. His precious car was now done for.
"90 years and not a scratch, now look at you." The demon mourned, knees falling to the floor.
"Crowley...nows not the time for this. We have to go." Aziraphale trotted over in his heels. "He's got a gun!"
"I am having a moment here!" The demon said, a sad tone to his voice.
"Zira. Leave him alone. We can take care of a human."
"Crowley! I am the nice one. You can't expect me to do all the dirty work."

"Ma'am! I'm giving you all 5 seconds to vacate this area!" The solider shouted.
"I'll do it!" Hope announced, placing her hand on the guards head and pulling his souls from his body, causing his body to fall on the floor. "Now. Stay here. After this is all over, I will put you back." They pointed their finger at the human before running into the base. "We have to go! Crowley, Aziraphale...random witch hunter dude."

Crowley grabbed the hand crank off the floor and got to his feet, saying his final goodbyes, before joining the others.

They had just made it a few steps before a convoy of army Jeep's starting driving towards them.
The demon loosened his shoulders in anticipation. "I'll take care of them."
"You may want to brandish your weapon Me Shadwell" Aziraphale addressed the witch hunter "we are here to lick some serious butt."
"It's "Kick" Aziraphale. It's Kick butt. For heaven sake." Crowley corrected.
"Yeah. We don't want to know what you do in your free time." Hope chipped in, pulling out their scythe.
Crowley made some gag sounds. "That's worse. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Spent to much time with humans in limbo." They shrugged.
"That's no excuse."


"Shit...didn't think about that."
"What?" Zira asked, worried about the reaper.
"Fathers already here. I'm introuble." They muttered, climbing out of the car, they stole from the ground gate, as it came to a hault.
"That's him! The curley one. Shoot him, save the world." The demon pointed at the boy, directing Shadwell.
The witch finder hesitated. "But he's just a wee barin. You can't..."
"Oh for heavens sake!" The angel growled, grabbing the blaster for the human and pointing it at the boy.
"You can't just shoot children!" A women's voice erupted from Aziraphales new body.

"Wait...there's another person in that body? Zira. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable that is?"
"Well quite frankly yes. Yes I do." He turned towards Crowley. "Perhaps we should wait?"
"Till he grows up? Shoot him Aziraphale!"

The angle lined up the shot but the women took over at the last minute and forced the shot to go flying upwards. "I'm sorry. I couldn't let you do it." The woman apologized.

"Excuse me? Why are you two people?" The boy asked, drawing the attention of the three beings who were now bickering. "It's not right. You should go back to being two separate people again." And just as it was said, Aziraphale had his body back.
"Oh...well...thank you." The angel thanked the boy bashfully.

"The thing is, they're not actually real." Adam said, looking at his friends. "They're just like nightmares really."
"Little boys with your toys." War spun her flaming sword around.
"I'm not a boy." The girl in the red poncho spoke up.
"I am war. You were made to serve me, to live in me and die in me."
"And my mum says that war is just masculine imperialism on a world stage." Pepper shot back, liking eyes with the being clad in red.

War chuckled. "Run home and play with your dollies little girl."
The girls eyes suddenly grew very, very angry. "I do not endorse casual sexism." She stated sternly before stomping on wars foot. Hope snorted and had to hold their hand over their mouth to stifle any following laughs. Pepper then picked up the sword and held it towards War. "We are Adams real friends. Not you lot. You're a joke."
"Just say what you believe Pepper." Adam instructed.
"I believe in peace, bitch." And with that, the flames for the sword jumped onto war and completely vaporized them.

Getting the memo, Adams other friends joined in to.
"I believe in a clean world."
"And I believe in food, and a healthy lunch."

"Don't that used to be your sword?" Crowley asked the angel.
"You know what...believe it is."

Now all attention was on death. He stood there, shrouded in darkness.
"Death. This all has to stop now."
"It has stopped. But they will be back." Death announced confidently. "I'm disappointed in you my child. All this time, mingling with angels and demons."
"They are my friends. They make me happy."
"You don't need to be happy. You are a fragment of me."
"Well maybe I don't want to be anymore. Maybe I just want to live my own life."
"Very well. From this moment forward you are no longer my child. You now exist in the living realm between angels and demons. You are now something that has never existed before. I wish you luck."
"Thank you death." Hope nodded in respect before holding the scythe towards death.
"Keep it. I have no use for it." Then, death opened his wings. Though, they were less wings and more rips though matter of creation and life itself.

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