Chp. 19 - Florida! Wait, What?

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I get my Mocha cup on the balcony and sit in front of Cora on a table next to the window. She already has her strange green drink in hands and looks up when I join her.

Cora turns my cup in a way that my name is facing me and takes a picture of our drinks to post on her Instagram.

"So... Have the guys been planning this trip to Florida for long?" I ask trying to be as casual as I can.

This Wednesday, I woke up unusually late. These days, I haven't been sleeping very well, my thoughts drift to my parents ever so often. I have been avoiding all of their attempts to get in touch with me, I just need a bit of space to try to get over the shock. Cora has been very supportive, tough. I asked her to also not mention this subject and she was doing a great job.

The first thing I did after getting up from bed was reaching for my phone to aimlessly look at it. Okay, who am I kidding? I was looking for his message like I have been doing these past mornings. We had been talking, but I haven't told him about the horrible news in my family, I think it is still too early on our relationship for me to be crying on his shoulder, besides he knows real suffering with his mom's early passing.

I wasn't the only one hiding things I guess, as it was a big surprise to only know that he was going to Florida with Ian and Leo when I saw on his Instagram's stories a pic of him and the boys on the plane with the caption "Florida here we go."

Where did that come from?

"I actually have no idea. Didn't Meyer tell you anything?" Cora looks up from her phone.

I shake my head. "Ian is your brother, shouldn't you know?"

"Now that we don't live at the same house, I don't. And aren't you and Meyer dating or something?"

"Something. He is not my boyfriend, though, so it's not like he needed to tell me."

"Well, if the roles were switched I would be mad. I thought you guys had something serious."

I look away from her to the window where an elderly couple just passed jogging.

"He hasn't asked me, so no."

Cora reaches for my hand and I look at her. Her eyes are all serious even under her newly dyed platinum fangs.

"And are you okay with that? You can always ask him, you know?"

I take my hand out of her grasp with the pretence of getting a sip of my mocha. I'm uncomfortable with the conversation focused totally on me. Besides, Aeson is also her friend, for more time than I am, and I would die if he knew about this conversation. However, Cora has a way of getting things out of you even though you don't want her to know, that's why I find myself saying:

"Yeah, I know. But all this Florida thing made me think that maybe we are not as serious as I thought. At least not for him. So what's the point of asking?"

It was a rhetorical question but she answered anyway.

"Because sometimes what you think is not always the truth. I think you should talk to him."

I look away from her to the floor. Maybe she is right but I'm done talking about Aeson.

"Did you see that Ariana Grande is dating again?" I say the first thing that comes to my mind just to change the topic.

Cora has none of it and raises her eyebrows at me as if asking "seriously?"

"I know you are trying to run from this conversation but I really, really think you should talk to him. Meyer is a good guy."

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