Chp 18 - Drop the Bomb

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I tried to pay attention on classes on Monday, I swear I did, but honestly if I had stayed at my dorm all day I would have learned the same amount of things. I kept daydreaming about my date with Aeson, everything went so perfectly it still felt surreal.

I was still kind of mad with the janitor, though. We had to get out of there running to not get into trouble.

I was still thinking about it while doing my homework when my phone started ringing.

"Hello." I answer it without seeing who it is.

"Hi, sweetie." I hear my dad's voice answer. "Can you talk?"

I drop my pen on the table glad for the reason to procrastinate the work even more. "Sure. How are you?"

"Not that great..."

His statement gets me by surprise. That's not usually how people answer that question.

I lean back in my chair. "Why? What happened?"

"Your mom didn't want to tell you, and I don't blame her, she still wanted to talk about it and it is a harsh thing to just say in a phone call but keeping it a secret from you also felt wrong..."

"Dad, you're scaring me. Are you alright? Is mom okay?"

"Yes, yes, I mean at least in health."

I start biting my thumb nail. "Why do I feel that is a 'but' in there?"

He sighs. "Because there is. Oh, how can I say this?"

"Just tell me already, like ripping a bandaid."

"I just don't want you to take it to harsh on your mom, God knows I have, but things between us had already been off a while ago. You going away was just the last drop." His accent is heavy with nervousness.

He is not going where I think he is going, is he? "What do you mean?"

"I have met with the lawyer today." He makes a pause hoping that is information enough. I don't say a thing, it can't be what I think it is. I hold my breath. "Your mom and I are getting a divorce."

My brain takes a second to process what he just said. "Dad, this is no such a thing to joke about."

Please be joking, please be joking, please be joking.

"I know."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry for breaking the news over the phone..."

I don't hear the rest. It didn't matter it was through a phone call or in the middle of a fancy dinner after they pampered me with gifts, it would still be this, awful news.

Unacceptable. This can't be real.

Mom and Dad.

I know a lot of couples get a divorce these days, but I didn't expect my house to be split. They were my role model of love how can they just divorce?!


"What did you mean when you said to not take it harshly on my mom?" I ask cutting whatever he was saying. "What did you mean?!" I insist when he is silent.

"She was-" he cleans his throat, "- involved with this man..."

I throw my phone on the table and push my chair back.

A lie.

It has to be a lie.

How did it get to this point? Everything was just fine when I left! Or was I so clueless and it all was happening under my nose?

I look at my night stand, at the picture frame there, us three hugging each other on my high school graduation.

A tear rolls silently down my cheek before a loud sob scapes me.

"Emilia!" I hear my dad's muffled voice shout calling me.

I angrily get the phone and press the end button.

I don't answer the next times he calls.


I stay curled up on a little ball on my bed for hours. I didn't shed a tear after that lonely one.

I'm in shock.

I want to cry, I think it will make this strange feeling go away but I can't force myself to.

I just stare at the wall.

It could be nine o' clock or midnight for all I knew, or cared.

The only thing I do know is that I want to be alone but I can't even have that as someone knocks on my door.

I don't move a finger.

If I stay silent enough they will go away.

More pounding on the door, I put my head under my pillow but the insistent person just won't let go.

"Open the door! I know you are inside!" Cora shouts.

I grunt loudly as she keeps knocking.

Okay, I just need to tell her that I am not feeling alright and she will go away. I hope.

I drag myself to the door yanking it open.

I can't get a word out as she barges inside without looking at my face. She stops in the middle of the room, her back towards me, before exploding.

"Don't you think we are friends? Don't you feel like you could share everything with me?" She turns sharply to look directly to my eyes, she seemed... devastated. "Because that's how I feel about you, I thought you felt the same. Why didn't you tell me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"About you and your new boyfriend." She spit the word.

I shook my head dismissing everything she said. "It's not a good time Cora."

"Why?!" She snaps. I look at the ground feeling as tired as if I hadn't slept all week. "Huh? Why? Is Aeson hidden in the closet?" I still don't answer. I wish she just left, this is the worst time to be having this conversation. "I don't understand why you wouldn't tell me. Do you think I would gossip to everyone? Is that the kind of person you think I am?"

She keeps going on and on and I can't take it anymore, I burst out. "Stop!"

I can't control the tears. I knew once I started crying I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Oh no, Emilia, you can't just start crying to get yourself out of the hook. I know this trick, I've used it before."

"My parents are getting a divorce." That shuts her up. "I just found out."

There is silence between us.

"Fuck." That is her reaction, quite good actually. "Fuck, Em." She hurries to hug me. "I'm such a bitch, I'm sorry. Whining about these unimportant things."

She rubs my back in soothing movements and let me sob on her ear. We spend minutes there, hugging. I didn't know I needed that, both the hug and the crying.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks with a soft voice.

I shake my head forgetting she can't see me. I don't say anything so she just continues hugging me.

"It's because of my mom." I decide to share. "They are doing it because-" sob- "of her." Cora pulls me to the bed so we can sit. "Everyone around me was cheating on their loved ones, and I just thought 'not my parents ther-" sob- "there's still hope.'" When she doesn't say anything I start to blab. "I know that I am a mess right now and I shouldn't be..."

"No, Em. You have every right to be sad. And to cry."

So I did. And I was glad Cora was there with me.

So, guys, I'll be starting college next week and I'll need time to adjust so from now on I'll be updating this story once a week. Sorry 😬

New chapter on Friday!
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