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Beatrice stood in front of Klaus, waiting for him to say something or tell her what he was going to do. Instead, Klaus took hold of her hands, holding his hands felt weird, she knew their hands were touching but she couldn't feel them. She just wished she could feel something again.

The boy with long, curly hair closed his eyes. Bea didn't know if she was supposed to close hers too, so she kept them open. Nothing happened for a long time, she watched Klaus's eyebrows furrow with concentration, although she wasn't sure what he was focusing on.

Then she finally felt it, the burning sensation started in her fingertips, then travelled up her arms, as if fire was racing through her. She'd never felt anything like it in her life as a ghost, she wasn't sure what was happening but she didn't let go of Klaus's hands no matter what.

Bea felt as if her whole body was engulfed in flames just seconds later, she could feel Klaus tighten his grip on her hands. Her chest felt like it was about to explode, something was pulsating in her chest, for years she was an empty shell of a ghost... but the pulse in her chest was her heart.

Looking down and examining her arms, her skin looked less translucent, she looked more human. Klaus's hands felt strangely soft in hers, her eyes widened as she realised she could feel.

"Klaus? What have you done?"

He finally opened his eyes, and she knew what he'd done as soon as he stared back at her.

"I... I brought you back to life." He stuttered, as if he couldn't quite believe what he'd done himself. He finally let go of her hands, running his hands through his curls nervously, "I was only trying to break your, I don't know what to call it... curse? But I think I may have gone a bit too far..." Klaus trailed off.

"A bit?!" Bea exclaimed, "you brought me back to life!"

"I honestly don't know if you want me to apologise or...? I mean you're human again, you can probably leave now, go and find your family." Klaus said.

"Klaus! I can't show up at my parents home! The shock would be too much." She remarked.

He nodded, "right, sorry."

"What do we do now?!"

"I don't know! I've never raised the dead before!" Klaus panicked.

Beatrice took a deep breath, suddenly overwhelmed by the new scents she could smell. She wasn't surprised by the staleness of the air of Klaus's bedroom considering he hadn't left it in days.

"Can we go somewhere else to talk? Everything is kinda overwhelming." Bea said, her whole body felt... different.

"Sure, okay." Klaus nodded, following her into the hallway.

"What if one of your siblings sees me?"

"Um... we'll just pretend you're still a ghost, okay?" Klaus said, not thinking it through.

"Like that'll work."

"Trust me, they aren't as smart as they make themselves out to be." Klaus said.

Luckily they made it to the living room unnoticed, and Bea sat at the edge of one of the couches, suddenly nervous. She always wondered what it would be like to actually sit on the furniture in the Academy, it must have cost a fortune.

Klaus stood at the bar making a drink for himself, "do you want anything? You can drink and eat anything you want now!"

"That's the last thing I'm thinking about, Klaus." Bea replied, her hands were fidgeting in her lap anxiously. She didn't know how to feel about Klaus bringing her back to life, or what the consequences would be, if there were any. Would she just go back to living a normal life? Would she stay hidden in the academy? There were so many questions she didn't have the answer to.

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