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"put your hand in mine, you know
that i want to be with you all the time."

Just like that

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Just like that ... the Handler had dealt a blow which shattered Klaus's heart into pieces. Beatrice stood in front of him in the parking lot, her skin flickering like her life force was fading away.

"Klaus!" She shouted, reaching out to touch his arm but her hand passed right through him.

"No... no, no, no." She muttered to herself, trying her best to grab hold of him.

Diego watched as the pair desperately tried to cling onto each other.

"What has she done to you?!" Klaus could feel his anger racing through his veins but it quickly disappeared when he saw the despair in Bea's face. He couldn't lose anyone else.

"She's making me disappear... my entire human existence is messing with the timeline."

She didn't want to disappear, as far as home goes — Klaus was hers and she didn't want to leave him.

"Klaus," Diego said, getting his attention, "is there any way to anchor her to you?"

"I wouldn't know where to start, Diego!" Klaus was exasperated, Bea was disappearing in front of him, she looked worse than when she was a ghost. Her entire life force was being depleted.

Ben slowly approached Beatrice, she couldn't see him when she was human but now he reappeared to her.

"You'll be okay." Ben said softly as Klaus and Diego were bickering. He took hold of her hand and slowly her skin began to glow.

"What are you doing?" Bea asked, looking down at her body that was no longer fading, instead it looked like Ben's, human but not solid.

"Tethering you to this realm as a ghost like me... it's the least I can do for Klaus." Ben said, a small smile forming on his lips.

Bea stared at him momentarily before she wrapped her arms around him, luckily she didn't pass through him, "thank you." She whispered.

Klaus and Diego were staring at them both in awe, "you're still here..." Klaus said, his voice small and nervous as he stepped towards Beatrice, he mouthed thank you to Ben who gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm here... I'm not going anywhere." She said softly, she reached out to take hold of his hand but she passed right through.

Ben sighed, "down side of being a ghost again."

Klaus looked at her, "at least you're here, I couldn't live with myself if you simply disappeared from existence."

Bea smiled, then felt something pulling her away. Before she could say anything she disappeared from Klaus's sight and found herself back at the academy. She looked around, scared, she ran to the front door and anxiously placed a foot outside of the door. She stepped outside, confused but relieved that she wasn't trapped again.

Ben appeared besides her, "it happens. You think of somewhere and you end up here. You'll learn to control it... I'll help you." He smiled reassuringly.

Soon Klaus and Diego arrived, Klaus looked relieved, "my heart nearly sank when you disappeared." He found himself laughing, "I don't think I've ever cared this much... about anybody really."

"You're sweet, Klaus." Bea smiled, although a part of her was sad that she wasn't alive anymore. She would miss how soft Klaus's hugs were or reaching to hold his hand when she was scared.

"I try," He smirked, "I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starving."

He followed Diego inside, before looking back at Bea.

"I'll follow you in a moment." She replied, glancing at Ben.

He nodded, heading to the kitchen downstairs.

She turned to Ben, "if you don't mind me asking... how did you bring me back before? Klaus hasn't told me about your powers before."

"There are a lot of things he still doesn't know about his powers, or me. In due time I'll teach you... and maybe you can teach Klaus, you seem to be a good teacher." Ben smiled, he'd grown to like Beatrice and thought she grounded Klaus when needed.

"See you around, Bea." He said before he poofed away, to wherever he usually disappeared to.

Downstairs Klaus was sat eating day-old pizza, and Beatrice wanted to test out her new skill of poofing in and out of places. Just like when they first met, Beatrice appeared cross legged on the kitchen table in front of him.

"I would never have thought superheroes ate day old pizza, don't you guys eat salad or something?"

She'd said those exact words when she first spoke to him, he looked up and smiled — the soft smile he reserved just for her.

"Hey." He said quietly. He looked as if he'd been thinking hard about something.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked.

Klaus peered at her through his long eyelashes, "I'm just glad you're here."

"Me too..."

They sat in silence for a few more moments before she spoke again, "Klaus..." he looked up at her tenderly, "I wanted to thank you, for the times we had whilst I was human. I really enjoyed our time together."

"Why does this feel like you're breaking up with me?" Klaus asked.

Bea giggled, "not at all! Exactly the opposite, Klaus I know I can't be with you as a human... but you know I love you and I just can't picture my life without you."

Klaus couldn't stop smiling, "I'm so happy to hear you say that. I know we can't physically can't be together... but at least this way we can be together forever, you as a ghost... and me with my immortality."

"Is this where I say 'I do'?" Bea laughed.

"I guess it is." Klaus grinned.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to hold each other again?" Bea asked.

"I promise we'll find a way... and if not, I would wait a thousand life times for you, Beatrice. Immortality will surely get boring one day." He chuckled.

Diego, who was sat at the other end of the table, stood up, his chair scraping against the floor and pretended to gag.

"Alright, I've seen enough, lovebirds." Diego said as he headed upstairs.

"Was he really there the whole time?" Bea asked when he was out of earshot, then both of them burst out laughing.

Klaus, for perhaps the first time in his life, finally felt content as he sat with Beatrice — just an immortal boy and the ghost who owned his heart.

thank you all so much for reading
this story and for your votes and
comments. it truly means so much to
me and i hope you enjoyed it <3

part two (next chapter) is up... keep scrolling x

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