1.8 Putting The FL In Her Place

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[ Officially now one chapter away from the end of Arc 1!!! Wooooooo! It's exciting and kinda sad 😥. But there are still many arcs to come and I have decided to do something special to end each arc! Drum roll, please... An end of arc Q&A! 🎆🎆🎆 Each arc, I'll take questions from the comment section to answer (as long as they're appropriate) like asks about future arcs, writing process, and even questions for characters and about the world! There'll also be a sneak peek at the next arc! I hope you guys will participate. I'll keep reminding you. I'm serious. Alright, remember to vote and add this story to your list to get updates! Love you~ ]

To say that Annabell got scolded would be the understatement of the century. She was now grounded (excluding extracurriculars- thank god) for the rest of her high school career. Which was, well, understandable but absurd. This also meant another thing. No party or gala or whatever other words for party people use instead of party.

It was an important part of the later plot, that Brooke had, of course, skipped over per usual. She should probably stop doing that. There was this whole situation between the FL and Jason's mother and blah blah blah. The important situation with tension and the FL and ML's love is tested and all that shit. Typical romance drama stuff.

The rest of Sunday night would've been spent in her room, preparing for Monday if it weren't for her phone having been called twenty times after she came back upstairs. All from the exact same number. Jason.

". . . The fuck? I was downstairs for like, five minutes." Annabell mumbled picking up her phone and calling him back. The first ring didn't even process before Jason picked up.

"Anna! Are you okay? I heard about what happened from Candice!"

Annabell's ears were instantly assaulted with Jason's worried yelling, practically making her half deaf for a couple of seconds.

"Ah. . . I'm okay. My clothes, however, had to be thrown away."

"You're really okay?"

"Yes. Really, I'm fine."

"Are you okay or fine? There's a difference."

Annabell sucked in a breath and rubbed her temple.

"Jason. I swear that I'm okay. She only left a scratch on me."

The other line went silent for a time and Annabell would've let out a breath of relief if it weren't for what came out of Jason's mouth next.

"She what?"

Jason's voice had reached a low pitch, sounding more like a growl rather than a question. Annabell went rigid and began to mentally freak out like anyone would do when it was exposed when they were lying.

"Nothing! See you tomorrow bye!" She hung up before Jason could reply and turned off her phone. Probably a terrible idea, but she'd deal with it at school tomorrow instead of tonight. As long as Jason wasn't too mad to have a calm conversation. Oh god.

The aforementioned Jason was currently seething from his seat on his bed. He called Annabell again but only got a voicemail. Then another after he called again. And maybe a couple more times. Okay, he called back fifteen times.

Before he actually broke his phone he needed to calm down. Of course, Annabell would try to deny she got hurt. She wasn't the type to pull other people into her problems, even if it was him. Which still made him kind of mad. They were dating, right?

Actually, they'd never officially went ahead and said they were dating. Jason made a mental note of that for later.

There was a high chance that Jason would've found out about the whole fight during school rather from Annabell herself if Candice hadn't been involved. Her earlier phone call was still fresh in his mind.

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