2.9 Growing Pains

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[ Another instance of next world voting begins! We creep closer to the end of this world with a sudden timeskip chapter. To help you vote this time I will provide you all with...

A skill! To let you guys have a peek into the type of play style Brooke might have for the world.

[ Vote 😷 for Zhang Liling - Sickly Sister ]
Big Sister Says[Stolen]: An exclusive skill for younger sibling Host bodies. By using this skill not only does your meng levels go through the roof, you can get out of almost any situation by using your elder sibling as a fallback. But seriously, meng levels become immeasurable and give people the impression you simply trust all of your big sister's judgements.

[ Vote 🍶 for Himura Kaori - Seamstress Killer ]
Stitch Me Up[Stolen]: If any limbs of the Host or other people are removed, this skill allows the Host to stitch the limb back on and have it function normally. This skill also allows the Host to stitch close grievous wounds. However, the skill has a five minute limit on when the limb can be reattached. Once five minutes pass, the skill is useless. Within this time limit, the removed limb of the Host can move on its own.

[ Vote 🌹 for Euphemia von Gaelin - Rose Princess ]
Commander's Call[Stolen]: This skill grants the Host the ability to make anyone and everyone listen to her wishes as if they were the last resort request of a Commander on the battlefield. The downside is that some people may begin to see the Host in that kind of light.

Brooke hadn't forgiven Charlotte for her actions, quite far from it, but she understood them fully. BUT, she nor Annabell was the one who kicked her once she was down. She was a bitch, for sure, but she had already done all the damage that needed to be done to get rid of the possibility of romance between her and the ML, which meant Charlotte was free to do whatever she wished with her life. The only one who couldn't let it go was Jason, which led to Annabell being shoved off a fucking balcony.

It was also why in this world Turaya had got rid of all of the balconies on the Giandim Estate, but that wasn't the point.

The more and more that she thought about it, the more the love that she had for the white-haired ML turned to dislike.

Which was why, as of current, Turaya was putting most of the energy she had from getting progressively angrier into training Samone. Yes, that Samone. She knows that she promised to not be softhearted again after buying the young girl from slavery, but that was obviously a lie. Children always made her softhearted, she loved little kids until they reached 12. Then they started turning into smart asses and stopped being cute. Most of the time.

After having Samone pledge her loyalty, Turaya and Diane set to work fixing the most pressing problem. Samone's appearance. After a good bath, which Samone seemed to not like at all, a couple of weeks of feeding her well, at the family table to Renaut's chagrin, and various beauty regimens, Samone was shining like a polished diamond.

Her brown hair had been brought to a lustrous state, the little girl liked to keep it short since when it was long it tickled her, her dark skin had become smooth and clear although scars from slave market 'discipline', her thin build had filled out quite a bit, and she seemed a great deal happier than she had been before. It brought Turaya some happiness.

The other child of the house, however, was driving her insane.

"Renaut, you're being unreasonable." Turaya's annoyance leaked out through her voice as she piled Samone's plate high with fruit, as she had observed that she liked them the most. Rather than a servant, it was more like she had picked up another younger sibling. Which was probably what brought about this situation in the first place.

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