Chapter 6

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[ Caleb ]

I wake up from the sound of my neighbors screaming at each other. Why does that always happen in the morning? I open my eyes a bit, waiting for the headache to kick in. I'm surprised when it doesn't, but then I remember how little I've drank last night. I stand up and close the window so I don't have to hear that stupid conversation.

I look over my shoulder and see that Alyys still is sleeping. I open my closet as quietly as I can, I don't want to wake her up of course. I grab some clothes and walk into the bathroom where I quickly change into some more comfortable clothes. I check one more time if she's sleep, but thankfully she is. I close the door behind me and walk downstairs.

I grab two plates and a pan. I know that she probably don't want to eat when she wakes up, I'm still making some food. I crack some eggs into the pan and put water into the kettle. I normally only drink coffee so I need to search my entire kitchen for a teabag. Thank god that I have one left because I don't think she wants coffee right now.

I look up when I hear footsteps on the stairs. Alyys comes down, slowly, rubbing through her eyes. Before I can ask her how she has slept, she starts to speak.

"I think I just threw up the last bit of whatever was inside me, and I still feel like complete shit.."
She takes place at the table, crosses her arms on the table and pleases her head on top.
"I can't take that away, but I have breakfast for you?"

The eggs are just not burned when I put them on a plate. I totally forgot about them when I was looking for tea. I see Alyys shaking her head when I put the plate in front of her.

"You really want to make me puke again, won't you?" She pushed the plate to the side.
"I do want the tea though, thank you.." as she says that she grabs the mug and takes a little sip. I take a seat on the other side of the table and take a sip of my coffee.

"How did you sleep?" Just when I ask her that, I feel how stiff my neck and shoulders are. Sleeping in that chair wasn't a good idea after all. But for one night it was fine I guess.

"Surprisingly good, I didn't wake up or anything. The only bad thing was waking up feeling nauseous."

"I'm glad you had a good night's sleep." I smile at her and stand up. I still need to make myself some breakfast. I make myself some eggs and put on some soft music to break the silence.

When I sit down I see that Alyys has eaten some of her eggs. It doesn't surprise me, I would be starving if I didn't have anything left in my stomach.
"I don't know if you maybe want to take a shower or something?"

"That would be nice, yeah." She smiles and takes another small bite.
"I will grab some towels for you when we're done eating." She nods her head and pushes her plate back again. She doesn't look that bad as some people do when they had a rough night of partying and drinking. A little quiet maybe, and sick.

"If you wait here I will grab some stuff for you so you can shower."
She nods and I go upstairs. I walk into the bathroom and see this box on the sink. Not just a box, the box. The box with, well, you probably know what's in the box.

I totally forgot to put that away. I sigh as I remember that she has already been in here and that's she probably has seen it already. Great impression Caleb.

Some more stuff gets put away. I lay a towel on the sink and pick out one of my hoodies, just so she can wear something a little more comfortable than the clothes from last night. I lay it beside the towel and walk down again.

"Everything is ready."
"Great. Thanks, Caleb."
I watch her walk up the stairs, mumbling some words and having a hand against her head. I guess she doesn't feel as good as she wants me to think.

When Alyys comes back I have made more tea for her. She is wearing my hoodie and smiles a little.
"Thanks for the hoodie... And the shower, it really works."

"No problem, I have more tea if you want?" She nods her head and takes place on the couch. I give her a cup of tea and go sit next to her.

"Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid?"
"Well I don't know about what you and Maddie did before the part but at the party, you only sat down and then get up to, well.."

She shakes her head and takes a sip. I can see she's obviously regretting drunken too much. I know Alyys is the sweet girl, but it had to happen sometime right?

"I can't believe I could do that. Drinking that much, and the other thing." I chuckle and look outside one of the windows.
"We all surprise ourselves at some time."

She looks over at me, taking another sip and letting the cup rest on her stomach.
"Why did you help me last night?"
I frown. "Because you needed help? And you're my best friend's girlfriend, if I don't he will kill me." I laugh, hoping she doesn't take it seriously.

"I know you and Justin aren't having a great time now, so that can't be it. And if another girl needed help, would you help her too?"
"I don't know.. I know you, I think you're a nice girl and I would hate myself if I wouldn't help you." I sigh softly and she looks surprised. "You would?"

I can't tell her the truth. She's with Justin, that wouldn't be fair for me and her. And Justin would kill me, for real. Yes, she's a nice girl, but she's so much more than that. She's something special. And it breaks me to see Justin treat her like that. She deserves so much more. A loving boyfriend who actually looks out for her.

"Yeah, I would. I can't just look at my, friend," Unintentionally I pause for a second. "And not do anything. That's not fair." She stays quiet and stares at the tv. Did I say something wrong? Or does she know now? Please say that she doesn't know.

"That's very sweet, Caleb. Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it." She smiles and gives me a hug. I freeze before I wrap my arms around her, letting her go a second after that.
"No problem, you can count on me."

We talk for a few more hours. I don't know why but I feel save with her. I feel like I can't say what I want without being judged for it. And I love it. I do get kind of sad when she has to leave.

"Justin or probably worrying right now. Or partying, I don't know."
She puts on her shoes and gives me another quick hug.

"I mean it, thanks for this. I would have probably died this morning if I was at home."
We laugh and I open the door for her. "You're sure I don't have to drive you home?"
"No it's fine, I will go take the bus or just walk." She smiles at me and walks outside. We say goodbye and I watch her walk away.

I close the door when she goes around the corner. I sigh and put away the mugs and plates. I hate this. I hate this fucking feeling.

Why does this always happen to me? Why does Justin always have to steal the girls I love? Out of frustration, I throw a plate on to the ground. I scream and look at the plate, shattered. One day it will be otherwise, I know it.

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