Part 5: Functional Recovery and Meeting Kanao

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Chapter 5: Functional Recovery and Meeting Kanao

After receiving the antidote from Rengoku, Y/N returned to the butterly estate with Tanjiro and Nezuko. "Please pardon my intrusion..." Y/N said has he walked into the entrance that he lived as a child. Images and moments of running around and playing with Kanae and Shinobu flooded his mind. He looked around still carrying Tanjiro and Nezuko and saw Kanao with a butterfly on her finger.

"Hey! Kanao-chan" Y/N said trying to catch her attention. "I have you seen Aoi-chan?"

Kanao stayed silent and took out her coin, she was again trying to make a decision and again, the coin landed - heads. "She's at the Medical Bay Area" she replied pointing towards the area.

"Thanks but it's not my first time here..." Y/N said while running off to the medical Bay Area. While he walked there he thought about Kanao. He thought she was strange as she relied on a coin to make decisions for her. Then again, perhaps she was beaten until she was obedient, and as a result she couldn't do anything without permission. Perhaps that's why she acts this way. "If I'm not mistaken Kanae must have given the coin to the girl..." Y/N whispered.

In front of the medical bay Y/N was about to walk in when he heard the voices of two boys arguing about something...girls? A goddess? Y/N having returned to his home just recently became angry that the peace at the butterfly estate was disturbed. He roughly opened the door causing Aoi to drop the syringe she was holding in surprise. He grabbed both of their heads and hit them together causing them to lose consciousness. "I just got home to find two idiots in my house disturbing the peace!" Aoi looked towards the figure and she recognised who it was, the one who left the butterfly estate for roughly 2 to 3 years Y/N.

"Hey! Aoi-chan...I'm back...this time I'm staying for good." Aoi looked towards him.

"I'm just glad you returned." Aoi replied with tears in her eyes placing Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu in their respective medical beds.

"Hey? Aoi-chan I'm going to borrow Kanao-chan for a bit..." Aoi nodded and with that Y/N walked out to where Kanao was. Seeing her still in the same location when they first went into the house.

"Hi Kanao-Chan" Y/N asked. "You don't know me too well don't you. I'm Y/N L/N-Kocho." He said with a bright smile on his face. A genuine one unlike Shinobu's.

Kanao turned to him and flipped the coin deciding if she should talk. She flipped the coin and again as fate wanted it landed on heads.

"You're a demon..aren't you?" Kanao asked with her absent expression.

Y/N silently nodded.

"Why is it despite you being a demon. Master still trusts you and cares for you" Kanao said feeling conflicted that she had been training to hunt demons and hated demons as their kind killed Kanae and yet her master was so close with him. "I don't understand. Maybe I'll never understand. I'll trust master and if you ever hurt her I'll hunt you down and kill you myself."

"In that case, I would stand still while I take my punishment." Y/N replied. "But Kanao-chan one thing's for sure..."

Kanao stayed silent, she was about to flip her coin to decide whether or not to listen to the rest of his story, but for some reason she felt the drive and wanted to listen to the rest.

"Kanao-chan...just because you're a little different than the others doesn't mean you can't forge your own path the life you want......then, when you find someone you'll start to change...not only for yourself but for him as well..." Y/N told Kanao and ruffled her hair, smiling sincerely. "Whatever your past maybe just that as Shinobu's successor and sister... even if you don't see me as your family....I'll be by your side always...just like with Shinobu and Kanae-neechan since I was a kid..."

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