Shinobu x Male Reader (Fluff): Such a tease

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Shinobu X Male Reader (Fluff): Such a tease

Tamayo was kneeling in her living room grinding her herbal medicine with mortar and pestle on a small wooden table, Yuushiro sitting closely to her placing each medicine powder into the side for her regular patients since she was well versed in pharmacology, she often would find herself working with her partner Shinobu, whom she had partnered up with to open up a pharmacy store selling over the counter medicine and consultation services.

Suddenly Tamayo heard a pecking sound on her window and when she went to check out the sound she saw Y/N's crow with it's backpack announcing that Y/N needed urgent medical assistance. "Y/N is in the Wisteria House in the North District near Nagano, he needs emergency care" The crow announced causing Tamayo to throw on her white haori, immediately heading to the train while Y/N's crow closely followed.

When Tamayo opened the door to Shinobu and Y/N's private room what she saw made her heart stop. The boy that she helped deliver as a baby was dying in the bed in front of her. Immediately she barked out orders, commanding the doctors around her.

“10mg of anti-inflammatory medication" Tamayo held out a small ceramic pot that she had made specifically for Y/N as her medicine would not react to chemicals that were in Y/N's body. Y/N's condition had improved after the injection, his fever disappeared and his body stopped contorting.

"What a baka!" Tamayo sighed at Y/N's stupidity for running around with poison in his bloodstream. She shut her eyes and raised her hand to slap Y/N across the face, but when she did she heard Shinobu's pleas. "Tamayo san please stop…" Shinobu's eyes were in tears begging and please her to stop hurting her boyfriend further.

Tamayo smiled at her statement as she turned towards Shinobu raising her hand in the air and slapped Y/N across the face. "Don't worry about this baka, you should get some rest." Tamayo turned away before slapping Y/N across the face once more, a large red hand print appearing on his cheek. Y/N mumbled something before he woke up from the stinging pain to two blurry figures, he blinked his eyes and realised it was Shinobu and Tamayo hovering above his eyesight.

“Shino chan I’m glad you’re feeling better…” He smiled lifting his hand reaching for Shinobu’s cheek brushing her hair aside, his thumb touching the swell of cheek wiping a tear halfway down, lightly tapping her on the nose. “Shino chan’s smiling face is enough to make me smile.”

With those words, Shinobu threw herself onto Y/N’s medical bed tightly wrapping her arms around his waist, his chest muffling the sounds of Shinobu’s sobs. “You’re a baka! You were poisoned and hurt and you're only thinking about me. Baka!” Shinobu thumped Y/N’s chest in anger with her fist” Y/N on the other hand was shielding himself from Shinobu’s blows, Tamayo behind them giggling at Y/N’s stupidity.

That evening Y/N was transferred to the Butterfly Estate by the Kakushi, placing his sleeping form into his and Shinobu's bed and then excused themselves and shut the sliding door giving Shinobu and Y/N some privacy. Y/N suddenly lifted up his shirt unconsciously scratching the stitches, but before he could Shinobu stopped his hand and covered his wound with her hand.

"No!" Shinobu commanded tapping Y/N on the nose like a pet being disciplined by the owner, Y/N let out a cute snore as a drool of saliva dripped down the side of his lips. "Y/N no baka!" Shinobu wiped the side of his lips with her handkerchief and kissed his forehead goodnight. But when she did Y/N tightly hugged her arm sniffing her arm in between each hug as if her hand was food.

"Hmmm this chicken tastes so sweet" Y/N mumbled before biting down on Shinobu's arm leaving a dent mark of Y/N's teeth.

"Baka! That hurt!" Shinobu smacked him across the chest but because of his muscles, Y/N couldn't feel a thing, it was like butterfly kisses to his skin. He snored again indicating his burden as Shinonu rubbed her hand in pain a vein popped from her forehead. But when Shinobu saw Y/N's calm sleeping face it reminded her of a small child needing their nose wiped.

When Y/N woke up, Shinobu was no longer in bed. He had left the room looking for Shinobu to find where she had left. There he found his girlfriend in a nearby library standing next to the shelf with a medical book in her hand that contained information of the demon suppressing agents and drugs that Y/N took. But before she could turn the page that contained information on the long-term side effects, the book was forcefully taken from her hands as a tall shadow loomed over her. It was Y/N, her boyfriend.

"Shino chan…" Y/N smiled at his girlfriend placing the textbook far beyond her reach, toying with her height. "Here you go shortie!" He teased etching a smug look on his face. "Do you want a stool too?"

Shinobu smacked Y/N across the face as a small red hand print appeared on his cheek catching the attention of a librarian placing the books back nearby. "Baka! Go read in the kid's corner while I finish my research." Shinobu teased Y/N as his reading and writing ability was that of an primary school student.

"Ha?" Y/N furrowed his eyebrows in anger. "At least I can reach the top shelf when we go shopping!" Y/N countered his argument. "Shino chan no baka!" Y/N yelled out in frustration losing to Shinobu in a teasing battle. "Baka! Baka!" He insulted. A vein popped from Shinobu's forehead and before she was able to do anything the librarian kicked them out the library pushing them out the door.

"You love birds should go argue somewhere else!" The librarian yelled at them before shutting the door.

The next morning Shinobu and Y/N went shopping around at the marketplace looking for extra furniture, pet food for the goldfish and a larger futon bed for the both of them since moved in together, they also needed a bigger bed and drawers for Y/N’s clothes and his new accessories as a gift from Shinobu, Y/N was by her side holding her hand and his other hand he was holding a stack of boxes that contained new butterfly kimono for Y/N as well as new swords for Y/N and at his back was a rolled up large size futon for him and Shinobu while balancing the stack of boxes like a circus maniac.

“Shino chan! Shino chan!” Y/N called out to his girlfriend catching her attention as he tugged her hand towards the sock store while the stack of boxes he was holding started to wobble a little as he struggled to maintain balance. “Look!” He pointed Shinobu towards the sock store expecting Y/N to look at some socks.

Shinobu understood what Y/N was saying that he wanted to go look at some socks before moving on to the next shopping site. “Yes...Y/N..It’s a store that sells socks.” She told him softly, still holding his hand. Since Shinobu knew Y/N had trouble communicating when he was a little child living with the Kochos. As a child Y/N would point to the things he wanted or stare at the things he likes.

“Look! Look!” Y/N tugged Shinobu’s hand again, catching her attention. When Shinobu looked up Y/N was happily pointing to a stack of purple socks in the store unable to understand the writing above the yen sign. He turned to Shinobu with a grin on his face, eyes pleading Shinobu to buy the socks. “It’s a 20 stack of purple socks that only costs 1,000 yen! It’s such a good steal isn’t it storekeeper?” He then placed his hands on his hips proud of what he had accomplished, saving Shinobu of wardrobe problems.

“Ara ara...Y/N” Shinobu smiled closely inspecting the price tag and what she read above the price tag shocked her even more. The price tag “Children’s socks: 1000 Yens for 20”. Shinobu slightly turned towards Y/N smiling with an ominous aura appearing behind her, thinking Y/N was just teasing her about her height when Y/N wasn’t able to understand the simple writing on the price tag. Y/N was staring at his girlfriend smiling back at her ignorant at what he had done.

Shinobu Kocho X Male Reader:  VengenceWhere stories live. Discover now