Part 90

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After some time Arnav and Vikram Singh started leaving from there when those people came to them, an old lady came forward and said while extending a wrapped box.

" We have never seen Rajkumari's daughter.. This is a small token of love for Bitiya from us."

Arnav accepted that with a warm smile like his personality. Smile can make anyone feel comfortable even though you don't know them previously. And Arnav wanted them to feel ease beside him.

" I'm sure Khushi is going to love it. ( That worry line on old lady's forehead started vanishing slowly.) She loves gifts.."(Arnav added.)

" Will you ever bring her here?? This place belongs to her also.", it was asked by another person.

" You are all worried whether she will come here or not, but here I'm worried whether after visiting here she will agree to return with me or not??"

There was a round of laugh hearing his humor, Arnav too laughed.

" We will meet soon.."

Biding good bye Arnav left from there with Vikram but not before talking with the controller and conductor of old age home and giving them a cheque as monetary aid. 


Vikram Singh then took Arnav to other places which come under the scrutiny of Sheeshmahal. As his promise to Aarav Singh Raizada to ensure his son's safety, Vikram Singh was not leaving Arnav's side so as some of his faithful men. Raizadas have ensured to bring up the last treasure of their Royal family giving so much love, care.. Now it was their turn not only to ensure the safety of Arnav as Aarav Singh Raizada's son, but as Son-In-Law of Sheeshmahal!!

While passing by, Vikram Singh was also telling him about the artistic talent of those people who are still faithful towards the Garima's family, he showed him those stores where those people work for their livelihood but Sachin and Sanket's cruelty never let them live in peace . While seeing everything, Arnav and Vikram were at a Silver Ornament store, Vikram was telling him about those hidden talent behind those beautiful work of silver filigree. While looking around, Arnav's eyes fell on a pair of simple yet pretty and cute anklet pair and after seeing that pair his eyes flashed with khushi's feet.

Arnav moved towards that direction.

" Can you show me that??"(he asked the seller boy.)

Running his finger on that delicate work of silver, Arnav asked.

" Pack this one."

The seller boy returned back with the box, paying bill Arnav took that small box and pocketed that.


Dinner was arranged at Sheeshmahal, Vikram and Arnav took their seats respectively,a  few other elderly person were too present there for dine, Arnav had met them and discussed the matter more keenly who suggested the presence of Khushi is must for solving the matter and closing mouth of opposition. After dinner, Arnav started leaving for hotel where he would stay for that night then leave for Delhi the next morning. But Vikram Singh stopped him.

" Mr.Raizada, Why don't you stay here?? I promise there will not be any problem for you here.."

Arnav shook his head negatively.

" No, I'll be fine there."

He had already known Khushi's reluctance of his visiting this palace, even though she had agreed and said nothing further or tried to stop him, but he did not find it appropriate to stay at Sheeshmahal, which place his Khushi dislikes the most. He did not judge whether Khushi was right or wrong, but from his prospective his staying at that place against her wish was not right.

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