Chapter 8- Flash Fights

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From one of the viewing windows on the Finalizer, Kylo looked down at the planet and the moons surrounding it, then at the floating remnants of the giant planetary station that had once resided here. His parents and his family had destroyed a space station above a giant gas planet. He had visited its forest moon frequently in his mind as a child, as his mother or father told him stories of the Rebellion, stories that would become legend and history. The ending of the Empire, the Age of Hope. How deluded they had all been.


I'm not afraid, he told himself.

'You should be,' an unknown voice seemed to answer, 'you should be.' 

He was afraid, and he had every reason to be. Use it, embrace your fear, he told himself.

"Sir, your ship is ready for your departure."

Kylo piloted his Tie interceptor alone. The cloud cover was thick and heavy as Kylo entered the atmosphere of Kef-Bir, and he had to concentrate as he skimmed through the turbulent conditions. The sector he was headed to was one of Kef-Bir's seas. He could see remnants of that colossal human-made mountain rising out of the waves like a creature's dark claw coming from the depths. Kylo recognised it as the superlazer section of the fallen battle station. That was where he was headed.

The ominous darkness surrounding the dark acolyte on Malachor was here. Cold and evasive in the Force. A dark void that was attempting to encompass everything and devour the Galaxy. It was so strong it shrouded almost everything in shadow, blinding his senses almost utterly, but for one thing, she was here. Her light essence in the Force was like a beacon calling to him. She burned so brightly that everything around her seemed attuned to her. He allowed her light to draw him in; she'd reopened herself to their connection, and it flowed raw and powerful like an electric wire pulling him to wherever she was. Everything seemed clearer and snapped into focus as their bond was fully restored. As he strode with purpose towards her position, he could feel the moist air on his face. The raging sea sprayed foam into the air, and it caught him with each gust of wind. At the edge of the cliff, he saw her standing upon a half-submerged section of the desecrated space station. She wasn't searching for anything; she merely stood a pure white form in an angry grey world. A surge of relief flowed through him, but then a whisper seemed to reach him from a spray-filled breath of air settling into his clothing and lingering on his mind, chilling him to the bone.

"Bring me the girl so that I may be resurrected," and then the whisper turned into that hideous, malicious laugh.

Kylo leapt from the cliff edge to the remains below, landing with ease upon the wet surface. A massive wave crashed over him, soaking him and momentarily shrouding her from his view. He stepped forward; he did not need his eyes to know where she was standing awaiting him. As the wave dissipated, he saw her with that same look of relief he'd felt in seeing her upon her face. He spun his ignited saber in his hand, holding it back away from her.

"I see you fixed my lightsaber," he remarked before continuing to stalk towards her, and as he did so, her face changed to one of stubborn purpose.


Rey felt Kylo's presence in the Force as soon as he entered the atmosphere. This world was dulling her senses. When she'd reached out into the Force, she'd immediately pulled back. It was dark, cold, foreboding and everywhere. There was seemingly no light on this planet, life, love, and growth; all had been replaced by death and decay. When he'd entered the atmosphere, however, she felt him, that spike in the Force. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as a shiver like electricity ran through her, their bond, their connection sparking back to life, and she let it. She felt whole and revived by it; she'd missed it. She waited on the partially submerged section of the Death Star, awaiting his inevitable appearance. She turned to face him when she felt him drop silently to the remains of the battle station where she stood. Relief flooded through her at the sight of him, as the bond flowed, as though a missing part of her had returned. She could see his ignited lightsaber through the wall of water before she could see him, his tread towards her purposeful and steady. As he came into view, he spun his saber away from her. Did he not intend to fight? That relief was short-lived, however.

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