Chapter 55

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Vincent's pov

Letting out a sigh, I waited impatiently for my queen to start explaining but it looks like she had no intention to do it sooner. She's surely taking her sweet time but I don't blame her though. I know that she's scared.

Letting my rough hand caress her soft like feather cheek, I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips as an assurance that I won't hurt her, which actually worked.

Placing my complete attention at her, I watched silently her playing with her fingers nervously. I don't want to push her to talk about it but it's getting hard for me to be calm and sit idle knowing this pathetic excuse of man laid his fingers on my woman once again despite of the warnings I gave the last time.

"Remember the day I came home and found you with another woman" she started making me frown instantly and rolled my eyes. Why the hell does she have to bring that up?. I hate talking about that.

I hummed in response indicating that I'm listening.

"Before that, I went to meet up with Andrew. He called me and he was apologising. He insisted that we should meet up." She continued, making my fist clenched tight together.

"And you didn't even bother to inform me about it?" I cut her off letting my temper get the best of me for a second.

"Trust me, I wanted to but I didn't want to bother you, you were already so stressed about the mafia and work.'' She explained taking my fisted hand into hers and started to caress it softly taming the raging beast inside me immediately.

'I'm sorry.'' I whispered, feeling guilty for bursting like that when she did nothing but be thoughtful about me.

"So, I went to meet up with him. When I got inside the cafe, I saw him with this guy Leonardo." She continued making my head snap towards her faster than a lightning bolt. Oh god, please tell me it's not Leonardo the Russian, we're talking about. I prayed silently.

"First, I thought that he was really sorry for what he did. B..but I w..was so wrong" she said bursting into tears. Pulling her into a hug. I tried to calm her down so that I could know what happened.

Wiping her tears away, I handed her a glass of water to drink which she politely accepted.

"He kidnapped me, Vince" she whispered making my heart drop. She was kidnapped and I don't even know about it. What kind of husband am I?.

"He and Leonardo threatened me. They gave me papers for you to sign. They said that if you didn't sign it then they would kill Mario and Lynda. Which they did!. They are the ones who killed them, Vince. I..I'm so.sorry, I should have shared it with you." She confessed shaking uncontrollably.

Why didn't you tell me, Venessa. Why?. I questioned myself watching her cry her eyes out.

Standing up, I head straight towards the door ignoring her pleas. I will be having these bastards heads. I have enough.

Fishing my phone out my pocket, I dialed the number who I know I can trust to do this task for me.

"Bring Leonardo and Andrew to me. I want them to be alive." I ordered while heading out towards the warehouse. Time to get my hands dirty.


Parking my car outside the warehouse, I noticed that I came early. Looks like I have to wait but that's good because that means I'll have enough time to plan out how I want their death to be like. Smirking like a lunatic, I went inside twirling my most possessed weapon in my hand.

Leaning at the table where all the weapons lay, I let my tensed muscles relax a little bit ignoring the strong want to go back home and cuddle with my queen.

A small smile formed on my face as heavy footsteps echoed through the whole building. They're here finally.

Marco bursted the door open, pushing our two guests inside with their hands tied behind their back and lips busted into the two awaiting wooden chairs.

''Finally!'' I exclaimed nearing the two cowering figures taking off my suit jacket when Alex came in between stopping.

''What is it this time, Vincent?'' He questioned desperately while Marco took the honour to strap them into a chair and started warming up with them, too excited to even wait for my instruction.

I explained everything that happened to my queen to him, trying hard not to take my gun out of my pocket and shoot them straight between the eyes as I desire to give them a slow and painful death.

"I'm sorry" Alex whispered, clenching his jaw tight.

"I should have let you kill him in the first place" he added flexing his knuckles ready to strike.

"Everything happens for a reason" I replied, smiling menacingly.

"Do you know why the f*ck you idiots are here?, I asked, smirking as my gaze fell down to Leonardo's now wet pants. Fuc$¡% pus*y wet his plants.

"Please have mercy, Vincent. P...please forgive us" Leonardo pleaded with his tears running down to his cheeks while Andrew stayed silent, calm and collected.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to respond, Alex threw a punch to Andrew's face knocking the chair his sitting on the process.

"Less talking, more beating." Marco stated smiling cheekily making me and Alex nod with smirks plastered on our faces.

And the countdown of their death begins.

Do you guys think they deserve it. Make sure to let me know your thoughts. I will appreciate it.

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