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This would be the very last chapter of "The Waitress" and I can't thank every single one of you who showed love and support to me and to my very first ever story here in Wattpad. Thank you so much.♥️

Also, to let you guys know, I started another story "Deluded". To those who wish to read ot you can find it on my profile. Show some love to me. Thank you!!


The moment he laid his eyes upon her, he knew right away she was perfect. Perfect as a bait to extract his most desired revenge.

Without any remorse, he made sure to break her into millions of pieces, pieces that no one would be able to put back together. And unknowingly she fell for his promises, lies and most importantly for his trap.

She was an innocent soul corrupted by the devil.


Evangeline Rossi never asked for anything in her life as everything was given to her before she could even ask for it. She's like a princess, a princess indeed for her father and mother.

She never knew she craved for anything else or something missing in her life until she met him, Abram Valentino.

But is she willing to stake anything just to be with him?.

But is she willing to stake anything just to be with him?

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•Now back to the story•

Seven years later,

Venessa's P.O.V

"Momma, momma wake up!." Nathan whines in his small voice while shaking my shoulders with his tiny hands.

"What is it my baby?" I mumbled wiping my eyes with the back of my hands in attempt to shake off my sleepiness and once I opened my eyes, grey eyes sparkling so bright met my hazel ones. Eyes that he got from his father.

"It's your birthday, momma." He exclaimed, excitedly showing off his two cute deep dimples on both of his cheeks, making Vincent who's at the door chuckle while at the same time trying to balance the tray full of food.

"Good morning, rosa" Vincent said, approaching me with the tray.

"Good morning" I replied eyeing the roses placed at the tray alongside with the stacks of pancakes.

"Happy birthday, my love" he whispered placing a kiss on my lips making Nathan, our six years old scream in disgust while Vincent smiled broadly at him.

It's been years but the spark between us stayed the same as the first time we met each other. But there's one thing for sure that changed and that is when we had our first baby boy, Nathan.

My pregnancy with him has not been easy or smooth at all. The pain that I went through when I went to labour is nothing compared to all of the pain I went through all my life.

There was a point where both of us were battling with life and death as I went to labour earlier than expected, plus I lost a lot of blood in the process. But thankfully both of us made it in the end. And to add, the things that I went through were completely worth it when I first held him in my arms and the first when he showed me his grey eyes that he got from his father.

"What are you thinking, love?" Vincent questioned pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"Nothing" I answered, feeding Nathan some pancakes and from the look that Vincent is giving me, I know my answer did not convince him.

After finishing with our breakfast, I gave Nathan a bath and let him play for some time while I shower myself.


Caressing Nathan's soft cheeks, a smile crept in my face as I watched him play with his toys so innocently. I fed him his dinner a while ago and after that he refuses to go to bed as he wants to see his father first.

"When will papa come home, I miss him already" Nathan questioned, placing his head at the crook of my neck while I played with his soft brown locks.

"He will be back soon, baby" I answered picking him up in my arms as I already can tell he's sleepy due to his sudden change of mood.

Walking inside of his room, I placed him in his bed tucking him to sleep. After putting Nathan to sleep, I sat in the living room's coach patiently waiting for Vincent to come home and at the same time replying to all of the messages from friends and family wishing me and asking me why there is no celebration.

I told Vincent that I don't want any celebration which he agreed after my thousands of attempts to decline him as he and Nathan really wanted a big party.

Too caught up with my own thoughts, I didn't hear the door opened and closed and only realized when I saw Vincent kneeling in front of me.

"Hey, you're home" I said, earning an eye roll from him.

"What are you thinking?" He questioned taking off his suit jacket as well as his tie and flopped his body next to mine.

"Nothing much, it's just I still can't believe that I got married to the most cruel and dangerous mafia leader and have an adorable six year old son." I whispered, making him chuckle at me.

"He's growing up too fast." I muttered while Vincent nodded his head yes agreeing with me.

"I don't want him to grow up. I want to be our baby forever. I don't want him to be like me." Vincent responded looking straight ahead not meeting my eyes.

"He will always be our baby no matter how old he gets and about the mafia, we will let him choose. Promise me, Vincent that you will never force him do something that he doesn't want to do." I said, placing my hand at his jaw making him look at me.

"I promise, I will never do that, rosa" he promised playing with my hair.

"Who knew the great Vincent De Castello will ever fall for a waitress like me?" I joked trying to lift up the mood when a soft pair of lips capturing mine caught me off guard.

"I love you" he whispered against my lips making me smile.

There you are guys, the epilogue. Really hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

So "The Waitress" is officially done. Still can't believe. Thank you so much to all of you. I will never reach this far if it is for your support and love.

Thank you so much!!!

*Author's note**

30th of April, 2021.
4:50 am

I have been going thru the comments and ngl, you guys make me laugh with all those hilarious comments. I have read so many sweet comments that makes me almost wanna cry and i try to reply as much as i can.

In case, you guys didn't notice, i took a lil break from writing. I got busy with studies and with my business. But i wanna start writing again. All those sweet amd encouraging comments makes me wanna come back to track but ngl, i have to admit. I'm scared. I'm out of practice, god it's been a year!

I'm scared to write again because of the fear of being judged or running out of ideas, but I'm trying my best. I'll be back real soon, In Sha Allah, but until then please don't stop supporting me and my stories. I love you guys♥️

I'll be back real soon!

Until then.

P.s if you have to this far, thank you and stay safe. Luv, nafiza♥️

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