13 ★ Hour glass

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𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 - 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖

"She's got a body like an hour glass

that's tickin' like a clock.

It's a matter of time before we all run out."

Hendrix POV

The sound of three car doors slamming is music to my ears as I look around the dark night sky speckled with glistening stars that smile down at me. Tonight is a good night, it's my night. It's been awhile since I've gone out and done something fun with my friends, because that party certainly did not count.

"This is going to be so much fun! There aren't any other bitches I'd rather go rollerskating with." Stacey says as she marches between Miranda and I as we walk to the glass doors together.

I can finally breathe easy knowing I don't have to go into work today. After what feels like an eternity I have a day off of school and my job in one perfect afternoon of bliss. Unfortunately, I somehow regret that it's not Tuesday or Thursday so I can't watch Cedric from the audience with joyful eyes.

We agreed to have tutoring on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That means I get to see him every single week day. But now it's Saturday. I woke up excited and pumped for a day with my best friends, but also brimming with gloom that I can't see my Professor today.

How messed up is that? I hardly even know the guy.

"What are you so busy thinking about in that pretty little head of yours, Henny?" I look up in a daze, my eyes landing on Stacey as her fingers drum methodically against the counter. Miranda checks us in, paying for our entry fee while we stand around waiting.

I shrug innocently, a coy look on my face.

"Bet you wish you could read minds right about now, huh?" My friend narrows her eyes at me and smirks triumphantly as a new comeback pops out.

"How did you know I was studying black magic in my room secretly? One of these days I'll be able to know every thought that you hide away from me." I laugh her comments off as Miranda rolls her eyes at us, ushering us inside. I swallow, trying to control my head from straying to Cedric for the millionth time. I should be enjoying a day with my friends. I shouldn't be dwelling on my hopeless crush.

This event is the crescendo of our full day of shenanigans. We started by sleeping in until 11:00, then going to iHop for mountains of pancakes that I still haven't quite recovered from. The sugar pumps through my veins with a vengeance, it keeps me going when we strut into the next place like we own it.

A sleazy guy leers at Miranda and Stacey as we get our skates. He doesn't even look at me, not that I want him to, and I don't blame him. My two friends are much more beautiful and captivating than I am. I've always been self conscious around them. I just have to accept that I'm the ugly friend, except I'm not ugly, not really, but with two supermodel level beauties at your side it's not exactly easy to be confident.

Sinking into a fuzzy, 80's printed bench, I shove my feet into a pair of pastel blue roller skates that have definitely seen better days. I try not to contemplate the amount of feet these babies have seen in their time. They look ancient, and smell even worse. The one whiff of sweat I get is enough to make me regret this decision.

Before I know it, I'm being pulled out onto the shiny wood floors that squeak under us as we roll around.

The old pop music booms all around on big speakers, and Stacey weaves in and out between people like the daredevil she is. A few people call out in outrage at her recklessness, but she doesn't seem to mind. The girl does her own thing. She spins and rolls like she was born on a roller rink.

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