62 ★ Just like a dream

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𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕖

"You're just like a dream"

Hendrix POV

     I hum, stretching my limbs and feeling every ache and strain in my body, and loving it. I don't know how long I've been asleep, but I'd be willing to bet it's been a few hours. I'm very well rested, and hungry for more.

     A warm hand palms my arm, running up and down gently, leaving a trail of tiny tingles that I relaih. I turn my naked body into my man, nuzzling his muscular shoulder with my nose and taking a deep breath in. He smells so good. I want to jump him again already.

     "Morning, beautiful. Or should I say afternoon?" He murmurs against my ear, making me shiver. His large fingers trail down to capture my wrist, his hands swallowing half my forearm. Cedric brings my hand to his lips and kisses the back of my hand. I blush.

     "When is Klepto expecting us back?" He wonders in a soft voice that contrasts to his deep, raspy voice that I love so much.

      "Well, I left her a bit of milk and a few bottles, and some diapers. Rain should be covered for awhile. I told Klepto to call me if she needs anything... so I would say we could get away with staying here until tonight." I inform him, trailing my fingernails down his wide chest.

      He chuckles.

      "You did prepare, didn't you?" He muses, and I don't deny it. I did, I've been preparing for this since I knew that I could enjoy activities like these. I've only had sex with Cedric once before today. As wonderful as it was then, it wasn't under the best circumstances.

     I still have a pit of guilt in my chest over begging him to sleep with me. Especially after finding out about his religious beliefs. That was not right, and I had to correct my mistake. We needed to create fresh, new memories.

      So, I got to work asking Klepto for some help. She gladly obliged, as I'd hoped she would. I thought she of all people would understand what I was going through. Her situation isn't too different from mine. Two kids and hardly any free time. I can only imagine how hard it is to juggle your relationship with your mate and your job as a parent.

      It was worth it though, sneaking around to surprise him. I hold back a laugh when I remember Cedric's face when he realized what I had in mind. He was elated, in fact he was elated all the way to the bedroom. We had a fantastic time, and I can't imagine it any better.

     "I love you." He says, and even though I've heard it a few times, I never get tired of hearing it.

      "I love you more." I reply, lifting myself up a bit to press a kiss to his scratchy jaw. Then I rest my head on his right pec. He sighs, his chest deflating under my cheek.

     "I don't think you understand how lost I would be without you, baby." Cedric counters, as if my statement of love is nothing in comparison to his. He grabs my hand, entangling our fingers and holding them up to the light. My hands are much smaller than his, delicate in comparison.

     I hum in thought, wondering just what he means by that. There are so many things I don't understand.

     "You'd be fine without me." I manage, focused on the feel of his touch rather than the words I'm saying.

      "No, I wouldn't." His voice is more gruff than I expect, and I sit up, startled. Shifting on the bed, I put my arms underneath me to prop myself up slightly on his chest. Now we're eye to eye, at least for a few seconds. He shifts his dazzling cherry irises from me, and I become irritated.

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