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Carson Hughes

The air was hot as I made my way to school the next day. This was the worst part of the year, while it was still technically summer but for some reason we had to be in school. The hallway was was crowded with girls fanning themselves at the disgusting heat and guys leaning against the lockers.

As I made my way to my locker, a familiar girl caught my eye. Standing against a locker and fanning her face with her hand as she talked to another girl, was Marina. Marina, one of Vinny's best friends. Or, former best friend.

"Hey Marina," I kindly greeted her with a wave as her friend walked off.

"What's up," she said back, nodding her head at me.

"How was your summer?" I asked as I stopped in front of her.

Marina shrugged with a small smile. "Nothing too exciting, you?"

"Just worked," I replied.

I was dying to ask her about Vinny, but I doubted she would be willing to open up to me about that. Just as the thought crossed my mind, Vinny walked by and caught Marina's eye. Her and I watched as he made his way down the hallway, getting shoved by Seth Powers as he walked by.

"Hey Seth," I called out as he got closer. He was laughing with his group of friends before he turned to me with a confused look.

"What?" he snapped.

"Lay off Vinny," I told him.

The last thing Logan needed was to have to worry about his brother getting picked on at school. If I could do anything to ease that stress for my friend, I would.

Seth just rolled his eyes before shaking his head and walking away from me.

"I didn't know Seth had a problem with him," Marina said in a low voice, watching Seth as he walked down the hall.

"He was giving him trouble in the locker room yesterday," I admitted. "I don't know what the issue is."

Marina let out a long sigh before slamming her locker door shut. "See you later, Carson."

After departing from Marina, I got my things from my locker and made my way to where my friends would be hanging out.

"Showing up last again," Hadley pointed out as I sat down beside her.

"I was talking to Marina," I said in response.

"Anyway," Archie interrupted, stealing the attention for himself. "We were talking about starting up movie night again."

I nodded. "Sounds fun. We can do it my place if you want."

"Mine or yours. Doesn't matter," Logan added. "But my parents will be gone Friday night."

"So yours it is?" Isaac said in a light tone.

"It'll be just like old times!" Dana excitedly cheered. "Hads and I will go get snacks after school on Friday."

Soon after, the warning bell rang and I headed off to English class with Isaac beside me. Surprisingly, Vinny was already in his seat by the time we arrived. He leaned back in his chair so that the front legs were lifted off the ground as he read a book that he held in his left hand.

"What are you reading?" I asked as I sat down in my seat beside him. It was hard to ignore the look of discomfort on Isaac's face when he saw me speaking to Vinny.

I leaned forward to take a glimpse a the cover of the book he was reading. Beloved.

"Sounds cheesy," I told him with a grin to which Vinny scoffed.

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