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Vinny Taylor

The last time I went to the movies, it was with Spencer and Marina over the summer and none of us could pay attention because of the two people in front of us who spent the whole time making out. Grossly making out. The three of us tried to contain our laughter, but it didn't work. We were in stitches the whole time and missed the movie.

It was a strange memory to think back on, but I couldn't control where my thoughts went when I walked into the theater beside Carson. I didn't know how he convinced me to come here with him and his friends. It probably had something to do with how he asked me, then immediately kissed me so I couldn't say no to him.

Being the good boyfriend I was, or was trying to be, I didn't back out when Carson went up to my room on Friday night to remind me.


"What are you doing?" Carson asked, barging into my room. "Aren't you coming? Get dressed!"

I glanced over at him from the book I was holding above my head as I was lying on my back on the bed.  Carson's eyes traveled up and down my bare chest before settling on my face with an impatient look as I tried to remember whatever it was he was talking about.

"Going where?" I asked, sitting up and setting the book aside.

"We're going out with my friends, remember?"

Oh, right. That thing I had agreed to when Carson manipulated me with his soft lips. How could I have forgotten?

I placed my book down on the nightstand then heaved myself out of bed with a drawn out sigh and opened my dresser to find clothes. I pulled a sweatshirt on over my head and changed from my pajama pants to a pair of jeans, then turned to see Carson's smiling face.

"You're not going to try to get out of this?" he asked as if he was surprised.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed onto his hand, pulling him out of the room.

"I said I'd go, didn't I?"


That was how I ended up at the theater half an hour later, standing beside Carson while the rest of his friends waited in the popcorn line.

"So, I was thinking you could come to dinner at my house next Friday?" Carson suggested, brushing his hand against mine.

I looked up at him and shrugged. "Sure."

Although the thought of having to sit through a whole dinner with Carson and his mom freaked the fuck out of me, I wanted to be able to just suck it up and be there for him. His mom was cool, I knew that, but me and sit down dinners didn't get along and I didn't want to offend her or embarrass myself if I ended up puking or something.

"What are we even seeing?" I asked Carson as we continued waiting for the others.

"Some thriller I think," he replied. "Dana picked it."

I sighed. "Of course she did."

Despite being scared of these types of movies, Dana seemed to love them. I on the other hand, was not particularly fond of them and would undoubtedly be anxious the entire night.

Carson lightly bumped his hip into mine. "I'll protect you."

His striking smile seemed to automatically put one on my face. All I wanted was to lean up and kiss him.

"Hey! Lovebirds!" Archie called out, holding a bag of popcorn in each hand. "Let's go before we can't find any seats. You have an entire movie to make out."

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