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Next Day:

Ria woke up at 6:15am , last night she slept with Titli beside her.....in just a few days Ria had grew affection for Titli. Without waking her up, she stepped into the washroom and came out after showering, she wore a regular salwar kamiz and got downstairs.

Mita was chopping vegetables instead of making tea. Ria asked her about it, she informed that Koustav had to re-join his office from today due to an emergency at his office. Ria asked if she could help, Mita handed her the chopping boards and vegetables gladly and turned to make tea....Binni was busy cleaning the room downstairs...Ria took the chance,asked her MIL about...

Ria: Ma, what time does he get up in the morning?

Mita: Koustav usually gets up within 6:30 daily but....on weekends till you scream!!

Ria: oh! Then he starts for office at?

Mita: 9:30 usually!

Ria: When does he return home?

Mita: 8:30 or max 9:15pm....he used to come home very late after Nikita passed away....but then your Baba fell very sick one day....after that incident he comes home as early as possible.......

Ria: He likes food made by you,right?

Mita: he used to.....now he just eats anything!!....................Ria take good care of him, everything will be alright, just give him some time, you both deserve a happy life......he takes time to adopt new  habits...just don't leave him....

Ria(mildly smiing): I know ma!! I won't
(How can I leave the person I love? I can wait.....actually since I am waiting for him for a long time now......)

Both of them then got busy in cooking......Titli went to keep the tea in Koustav's room that time.....

Around 8:45am, Koustav came downstairs getting ready for office....Ria   noticed that the light stubble Koustav had grown, was vanished....Mita was serving him the food, called Ria for helping her.....Ria was nervous, she served him and stopped when he gestured not to serve him anymore.....The mixed smell of his aftershave lotion and smoke stirred some odd emotions in Ria's mind.....She was stealing glances of him eating dishes made by her, he didn't say anything, in her mind Ria was dancing in joy.........He stood up to wash hands, Ria came to him with a glass of water and a lunch box.....he took the glass, but his fingers did not brush hers.....this made Ria disappointed.....all the time she kept a blank face on.....but seeing the lunch box, Koustav's eyes became suddenly cold,Ria was sure that he was going to say something hurtful......Mita came in near him, he stopped himself, took the box from her hands, bagged it and went out hurriedly......

She was in a trance....Mita's calling her name broke the trance, she was calling her to eat something.....

Mita came to her room, after lunch.Titli was sleeping in Ria's room......Ria asked her about Titli's parents......Mita told.....Titli's father, who is Koustav's paternal uncle....remarried a woman after Titli's mother died 3 years ago.....that woman could not stand Titli, she cleverly made distance between the loving father- daughter duo and put the idea of sending Titli to a hostel into his father's head......Koustav's father came to know about this ,opposed the idea and from then,brought her here as his own child.....Ria unknowingly brushed away her tears, hearing Titli's story.....People face so many difficulties in this world....but hopes came in one's life in form of Titli.........

Mita then asked her about her further studies....she informed her uni classes were to be started from the next week....Mita advised her to give her attention to her studies...and left for her room....

Ria went to her bed, started to surf her social media accounts and slept after some time.


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